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Ask me out!

I have a massive crush on someone here, but I'm a bit nervous to suggest a date. Been talking for awhile now, non stop! I keep catching myself smiling every time I get a message. I can't work out why he hasn't asked me out yet! What do I do?

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Comments (167)

1527180 - 10 Jun, 2022 - 07:24PM

Ask him out, im sure it will be a yes. Probabky not wanting to risk rejection.

Pink Eiga - 10 Jun, 2022 - 05:56AM

It will be obvious if the man is keen to do a second round. And as P99 said, definitely go with your initial gut feeling.

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Suzanne922 - 09 Jun, 2022 - 10:02PM

Old fashioned maybe but I like the guy to ask me out.
Pretty quickly too!
Within a few days or a week maximum.

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Paula99 - 09 Jun, 2022 - 06:33PM


If he hasn't text you after your hotel meet then sadly he's only after a ONS....I could be wrong but gut feelings are REAL...

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Avalyn73 - 09 Jun, 2022 - 03:20PM

If you have had a hotel meet I expect a txt same day, to at least confirm they want more. If he doesn't txt after hotel surely he's a no go

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Clair1978 - 09 Jun, 2022 - 01:34PM

Don't try so hard

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Bowmore21 - 09 Jun, 2022 - 12:37PM

Well would be great to even get to the stage of asking someone to meet ! IAny advice welcome.

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InspiredBy - 08 Jun, 2022 - 11:53PM

Just ask me out then! 😜

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Sarah Sussex - 08 Jun, 2022 - 09:48PM

Just suggest a date! Go girl! Xx

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Pedro845 - 08 Jun, 2022 - 08:37PM

The way I see it is that there are 'few' people on here with no intention of meeting anyone...so ask him and as someone else has said we are not teenagers anymore but mature adults with life experience behind us.Then you will know one way or another !
Probably immaterial now anyway as more than likely gone one way or another by now !

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