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Next Lockdown?

Am I being selfish to continue seeing my IE now that a full lockdown has been announced? I feel seeing him is the only thing getting me through this all right now. 


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Comments (37)

ExoticOrchid - 02 Nov, 2020 - 01:24PM

cornforthwhite - 02 Nov, 2020 - 09:02AM
" politicians certainly won’t be giving up their twisted sexual perversions."
You say this as a fact?

"so why should we!"
Speaking for yourself? Just because we are on an adultery site doesn't mean all of us have twisted sexual perversions like yourself.

To the OP ... if that's what you want to do, go ahead by all means.

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Trwela - 02 Nov, 2020 - 12:14PM

The details of the new lockdown (which isn't a full one) are being announced tonight. However at present you are allowed to meet one person outside your household and it has to be outside. So make your IE that person and have outside Sex, Roger1999.

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Roger1999 - 02 Nov, 2020 - 11:58AM

If I had an IE that I was already seeing, I think I would be happy to continue seeing them if we had both discussed the issues.

Zoom sex just not the same 🤣🤣🤣

1418525 - 02 Nov, 2020 - 11:16AM

" Funsteps1 - 02 Nov, 2020 - 11:00AM

Am i a weirdo by being water sports curious in the bedroom?"

Think you got lost on the way there ?
Yeah, you are a weirdo but... this place has it's share!

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Funsteps1 - 02 Nov, 2020 - 11:00AM

Am i a weirdo by being water sports curious in the bedroom?

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1418525 - 02 Nov, 2020 - 09:06AM

I don't see any issue seeing one person who presumably you know and trust and whose habits and values are similar. Weighed against personal wellness in the sense of mental health and sanity in a time of high stress I think is is supportable.
No-one sane advocates indiscriminate mixing in ways that put others at risk but a single contact carried out with common sense in mind as to travel, exposure to others etc hardly seems criminal to me.
I think there is an element of balancing the spirit with the letter of the law?
Idiots aside I believe we have to make our own risk assessments.

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1389672 - 02 Nov, 2020 - 09:02AM

Depends... If being deprived of affection and great sex will cause mental problems, then there has to be an argument fir a ‘Sexual Care Bubble’ ...Plus politicians certainly won’t be giving up their twisted sexual perversions... so why should we! 😈

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