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Next Lockdown?

Am I being selfish to continue seeing my IE now that a full lockdown has been announced? I feel seeing him is the only thing getting me through this all right now. 


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Comments (37)

Wilts_lady - 14 Nov, 2020 - 09:18PM

I won’t even see my family because I want this virus to be over. I think you are quite selfish. Let’s hope one of you don’t infect the other and a member of family dies ....

1396939 - 14 Nov, 2020 - 04:08PM

If you're careful, No. Like Parisian, my lover is a nurse and did have Covid (quite badly) in the summer. I think there is little risk in us meeting because she probably has immunity but currently thwarted by the hotels being shut. It seems a long time until 2 December, if that is when it ends.

1333643 - 13 Nov, 2020 - 10:48PM

No..I am a nurse and I see my lover :) So long as you are both well..no issues. Infact we both got covid in april..but it was mild. My lover has kept me going also. But I miss him terribly and hate that hotels are shut. But I have a private place we can go too. We need something to look forward too..life is pretty glum at present. Just ask him to wash his hands before touching you. And well mouths..do what mouths do :)

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Sweet lies - 04 Nov, 2020 - 01:04AM

To fine an ie would be nice

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Curvy4u - 03 Nov, 2020 - 10:59PM

Depends where you meet I guess.

Where are u! - 03 Nov, 2020 - 10:29PM

No, why, meet outside is fine

Nic70 - 03 Nov, 2020 - 06:46PM

Have to say this has been delaying renewal after a while otherwise occupied. That said, a few weeks of messaging and speaking does lay an exciting foundation.

LillyBeth889 - 03 Nov, 2020 - 06:10PM

As long as you both play safely etc etc then go for it

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1417573 - 03 Nov, 2020 - 06:06PM

As long as you arent putting anyone at risk i think its ok xx

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GoofyLE - 03 Nov, 2020 - 02:56PM

Well, having just registered here and then hit by Lockdown 2.0, seems hardly worth the £ if we can't meet... shame really, was so looking forward to getting chatting!

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