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Next Lockdown?

Am I being selfish to continue seeing my IE now that a full lockdown has been announced? I feel seeing him is the only thing getting me through this all right now. 


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Comments (37)

ClassyLady77 - 03 Nov, 2020 - 01:48PM

Was meant to meet someone for coffee today. My last date for 4 weeks.. He had work issues.. 😔 🤷🏼‍♀️

I’m sure I’ll be meeting for coffee\lunch again after lockdown. Although would Love to be taken on a proper date... not the same 😔

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Roger1999 - 03 Nov, 2020 - 01:17PM

No lockdown in Scotland....yet 👍

1246011 - 02 Nov, 2020 - 10:29PM

I think, if you left it 4 weeks and had the excitement of texts etc, it would make your next meet amazing!

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musexkanter - 02 Nov, 2020 - 10:23PM

If both of you have managed well till now, not to contract covid-19,
then keep your hygiene style continues and meet as close as fuck.

Goodkitty - 02 Nov, 2020 - 08:52PM

Meet before Thursday..........

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Looking4thespark - 02 Nov, 2020 - 07:42PM

It's just 4 weeks not 4 months.
Be patient and keep in touch regularly at least when you meet after the lockdown the heat will be crazy as you will be missing each other so much.

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1117169 - 02 Nov, 2020 - 07:14PM

Selfish? Probably. Foolish? Definitely!

Won't it be extremely difficult to justify disappearing and raise suspicion with both of your partners if you do? Doing this kind of thing may well result in your affair being discovered. Its not worth the risk for a few meets. Just keep in touch meanwhile

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1386158 - 02 Nov, 2020 - 07:09PM

I've just gotten to know someone and we are texting constantly.

I would love to meet him, even for a walk just to see if that chemistry really is there and he gets to see what I really look like. I dont think we would be breaking any covid rules......

I think there is still scope to see someone just have to be creative.

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RumplesBear - 02 Nov, 2020 - 07:08PM

While up to you, I'd errr on the side of caution, families kids (yes they can get it) etc.

We went straight into Tier 2 and teetering on T3 before this was announced. People round here didn't really care the first time around, a mask etc is becoming a rare sight now.

As nice as it would be having a partner in crime , I'd rather hunker down and people stay safe.

Abriana, don't forget a double whammy of lockdown and what looks like no deal Brexit. Ouch.

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1417062 - 02 Nov, 2020 - 06:54PM

Has anyone thought about the other side of this? What if your IE can’t meet due to lockdown. I,e, working from home, not being able to go out with his mates to the pub etc.
It’s not all about the C word.
Plus cancel Christmas I say. The government,has put us into lockdown way to late, to save Christmas so everyone can meet up afain, and then what? Another lockdown ffs
It’s a complete shambles

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