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Unique first messages

What is the best most unique opening message you have ever received? I have just joined and don't want to just say hello!

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Comments (98)

Looking4thespark - 23 Nov, 2020 - 09:48PM

No one will ever receive a message and react the same way as we all have different perspectives on (funny, sweet, serious etc)
Never judge people their first message cuz slot can fake it .. what comes afterwards is what really matters to whether the person is genuine or just messing about

ClassyLady77 - 23 Nov, 2020 - 09:16PM

It’s nice when it’s a personal message just for me. Not one that’s been copied and past to numerous ladies. To try and catch one... 😔

It’s Quality not Quantity...

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Connorsullivan - 23 Nov, 2020 - 06:42PM

Hello I love you won't you tell me your name

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1329251 - 23 Nov, 2020 - 06:17PM

One guy (I'm still chatting to him now) made a joke which was both sweet and funny and still managed to introduce himself well. He's a good friend now, and hopefully after all this covid nonsense we'll become intimate x

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ExoticOrchid - 23 Nov, 2020 - 05:38PM

Having read the comments here, it really does show how different everyone's perception of "funny" or "amusing" or "good" opening message is ... the kind of message which gets the men here worked up could be considered cheesy at best and insulting at worst if it was sent by a man to a woman ... double standards here definitely!

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1412915 - 23 Nov, 2020 - 05:04PM

It's always nice when someone notices something from your profile or at least shows an interest and reads it. Always be polite and don't write a big essay. I think messages are better than the gifts, much more thoughtful.

I find I get more messages than I send, but I do make sure I search for profiles and send messages too.

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1386735 - 23 Nov, 2020 - 04:59PM

Wanna fuck? 🤮

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Doc Johnson - 23 Nov, 2020 - 03:37PM

I just reply to everything and everyone as internet dating favours writers. I don't dislike writers but I'd quite like to date a dancer and or a mountaineer or a check out girl or something. Anyone fancy testing me?

Geek0808 - 23 Nov, 2020 - 01:14PM

Be unique and challenge the reader

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1414177 - 23 Nov, 2020 - 10:20AM

I was on this a few years ago and had a great time, had a few dates and went on to have a great few months fun with a guy from the UK, it was regular communication and making the effort to see each other.

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