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My New Years Resolution

My resolution, is to have an affair. Wow, it feels so good to get that in writing. As a newcomer to the site - any words of wisdom? Oh, and happy New Year everybody!

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Comments (47)

1403475 - 02 Jan, 2021 - 12:06AM

Take it slow and don’t rush things

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tea_coffee_me_ - 01 Jan, 2021 - 10:02PM

With all the tyrannical restrictions of last year continuing this year ...
(Democracy when the people control the government,
tyranny when the government controls the people,
due to the risk of fines and arrest that defiantly fits!).

Last year no relationships for me.

.: may the force be with you, I and anyone else genuine, we will need it!

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NikViking - 01 Jan, 2021 - 09:50PM

Obviously my opinion doesn't count here!

1345906 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 08:56PM

Mine too! Attractive ladies in Bristol / Bath / Swindon area, please apply here! Let’s have a laugh & maybe some discrete intimacy too. X

Paul 07914 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 02:56PM

I vow to get out and start having fun again

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ExoticOrchid - 01 Jan, 2021 - 10:40AM

I suggest you read the thread "Any advice for a first time affair?" ... scroll down until you come to it.

Good luck!

1426763 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 09:20AM

Happy New Year.
I adore that feeling of meeting someone new for the first time.
Nothing beats actually meeting and seeing if it's all likely to gell...

1117169 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 09:15AM

Sufficient mutual free time and freedom together with reasonably close physical proximity are critical. Without these, its a non starter even if you fancy each other like mad and everything else seems perfect. You will probably discover that this is much more difficult to find than you imagine

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EKvaux - 31 Dec, 2020 - 09:11PM

Think of it as buying a car,
it may be a wreck, but it's your wreck

Chezley - 31 Dec, 2020 - 08:14PM

Whilst an affair has its own magic, with all things coordinating in the right sequences, the larger part is the mechanics, logistics of getting two people together. If at any point your partner begins to suggest the impracticable or demonstrates screwball thinking, invariably in a casual and practised manner, be prepared to bail out. It's an aberration unsuitable to this lifestyle.

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