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My New Years Resolution

My resolution, is to have an affair. Wow, it feels so good to get that in writing. As a newcomer to the site - any words of wisdom? Oh, and happy New Year everybody!

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Comments (47)

gemini2310 - 31 Dec, 2020 - 07:09PM

Be patient on here and dont give up it can take along time to find who you want and not everyone is genuine or is who they seem to be when chatting on here.Just keep your eyes wide open

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Chris 14093 - 31 Dec, 2020 - 06:35PM

Don’t correspond for too long before that first meeting,

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1386735 - 31 Dec, 2020 - 09:58AM


You might have more luck if you stick to one profile and actually pay the subscription!

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1386735 - 31 Dec, 2020 - 09:57AM

Oh blimey where do I start?!

please make sure you have really thought it through. A lot of guys like the idea of an affair but in reality cannot actually do it...for whatever reason.
Don’t change your routines.
Beware of the ladies online who are just in it for the online attention and nothing else, also watch out for the ladies on here that are actually fake,, wanting payment in kind, or even a man pretending to be a woman.
Don’t settle for second best. Life is too short so if you are going to do it make sure you spend the time to find the one.

Don’t give too much detail away online. Don’t give your real name until you have met and are wanting to take it further.

Don’t have a public face photo on display and DO NOT use your real name as your KIK id. 🙄
I could go on and on..but I won’t, sometimes you need to work through it yourself and make those mistakes that make life more meaningful.

Good luck

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1427040 - 31 Dec, 2020 - 09:53AM


New years eve, The start of a new exciting times. A new lover in little black dress,stockings and heels....I wish The excitement that meeting a new secret friend can bring therefore the search continues on ie.

1421094 - 31 Dec, 2020 - 09:52AM

It can be tough finding the right person for an affair. It’s all the same issues of dating combined with the fact you are both trying to keep it secret and find the time.... and don’t get me started on the time wasters...

However, when you do find the one and it works... it’s brilliant and worth all the nonsense that preceded it.

So... perseverance required would be my advice.

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Classycougar - 31 Dec, 2020 - 09:04AM

It’s like a military exercise trying to find ‘the one’
Different people here at different times of the day..... so check in regularly.
Bit like a sweetshop....lots of choice.
You will soon learn to spot the genuine ones from the fakes!
Always write a short message relevant to the profile....and be prepared to be disappointed a few times before you find the one!
Wishing you all the luck in the world in finding your special friend.x

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