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Back to normal?

How does everybody feel about meets? With the Oxford vaccine out on Monday I'm feeling pretty confident we'll be back to normalacy by Feb. I can't wait to get dressed up, wine and dine, enjoy the buzz of the city nightlife. Second Roaring Twenties! 

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Comments (49)

tea_coffee_me_ - 03 Jan, 2021 - 05:11PM

From what I am working out from the little information that is allowed to be given out.

The vaccine is not to STOP you having the virus it is to lessen the symptoms.
As with other 'vaccines' it is to give your body a head start with recognising and dealing with... therefore you can still catch it, pass it on, hence why they are saying hysteria distancing and breathing restrictors will still be forced upon us.

... why are the stats being fiddled, it depends what school of thought you have read, may follow ... for some its the great reset, for others the 4th industrial revolution, it is and has to be about crashing the economy, stopping education and so on.

I am going though the notifiable disease records ... OMG next to no one has had it!

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1386735 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 04:03PM

Blimey Sportster I agree with you for once ๐Ÿ˜

1117169 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 03:44PM


You are right.

Whilst nobody knew what we were faced with early last year and a lockdown was probably necessary, we do now. There are, of course, some tragic cases, but we are being fed fear propaganda about those to keep us in check. It does not matter what the " R" rate is or how many people get it. What matters is who will get it seriously ie the very elderly and those with underlying conditions. This is a very very small proportion of the public.

Resources should have been and should be focussed on protecting those people as far as possible and to fund the setting up of centres of excellence to give them the best ICU care possible so there would be no chance of the NHS being overwhelmed. Meanwhile people and business could carry on as normal with basic hygiene measures. instead the government has panicked, shut down the economy, destroyed countless jobs, prevented normal social interactions and created other serious medical and social issues.

The truth will all come out in due cour

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RealAffair - 03 Jan, 2021 - 09:59AM


I'm sure you'll look gorgeous in your LBD and killer heels. I'd love to be taking you out on a date in them.

But when? ๐Ÿค”
.... 2022 ... let's hope it's earlier than that ๐Ÿ™

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RealAffair - 03 Jan, 2021 - 09:45AM


I hope you don't get adverse comments just for being the voice of doom.๐Ÿ˜‚

One problem many people have spotted is that there is no exit plan. The government aren't even banking on the vaccine.

People Power may well be the answer, but I don't see much of it right now.

My ability to meet is based on pretty frequent business travel. However, that is stopped until Easter minimum and I'm anticipating until the summer ๐Ÿ™ˆ
I doubt I'm the only one in that particular boat.

1413266 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 09:25AM

@ charlotte and tea coffee me
I have two friends. Ones mother died of a continuous gangrene infection and after 3 removals of infected bits she died of... covid๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
Other friends sister had husband hang himself in garage. Covid. Sister went mental at the authorities, screaming the when death cert turned up.
The figures are being fiddled. Very sadly i know suicide rates have shot thru the roof. Particularly in London where mate is a copper.
Also sadly, i know not why the manipulation is necessary? And the hysteria feeding propoganda is sickening. I know people too scared to leave the house or have anyone come inside!

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Fluffy Sunshine - 03 Jan, 2021 - 08:32AM

Canโ€™t see it being February. Not at the current rate the vaccine is being distributed. We also donโ€™t know yet, if those who are vaccinated can still transmit the disease.,

Iโ€™ll be glad when life and this site gets back to normal.

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1392431 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 10:51PM

I think February is very optimistic and I think we need to be mindful that normal is never going to be quite the same as it was before COVID. I am really looking forward to the day when I can get dressed up again in a little black dress and some killer heels and have a date night!

tea_coffee_me_ - 01 Jan, 2021 - 10:12PM

... and tier 5 with curfews is on the way guessing the next week or so, and they will not scale things back for MONTHS ... unless people power ...

Any guesses for Tier 6, 7 ...

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Borderline847 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 10:05PM

I think you are being a bit optimistic about February. I think it will be much longer. Maybe wishful thinking!!
Would be lovely if it was though!!

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