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Back to normal?

How does everybody feel about meets? With the Oxford vaccine out on Monday I'm feeling pretty confident we'll be back to normalacy by Feb. I can't wait to get dressed up, wine and dine, enjoy the buzz of the city nightlife. Second Roaring Twenties! 

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Comments (49)

tea_coffee_me_ - 01 Jan, 2021 - 09:57PM

The phrase requested "lies, damn lies and statistics"

February not a chance unless every business that is able to open, decides too and people stop using breathing restrictors and stop hysteria distancing. The only way it will stop 'by then'. People power.

Furlough is CURRENTLY until the end of April. The original legislation was for 2 years so April 2022.
Depending on how you see this continuing 2025, 2028...

Feel free to again be nasty to me, however this was for 'three week' nearly a year ago ...

IF it does stop/start in the next year, I know here NO public houses, cafes etc will open again, they have had to close for good :-(

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Jaykay2982 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 08:55PM

I can't wait to get out and have a few drinks and see my friends again!

I love a good night out on the town but I'm not expecting it'll be okay until the summer. Definitely looking forward to organising some weekends away :-)

1403475 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 08:19PM

I can’t wait to wear a dress that’s not to Sainsbury’s 😂

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1329251 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 08:00PM

Really looking forward to going out, socially and normally with friends & more. Can't see it being totally safe by march though, but hey we've been patient so far xx

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1100888 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 05:14PM

Currently 22.5% of daily deaths are attributed to Covid.
Without lockdowns/Tiering to reduce the spread hospital's would be overwhelmed with patients. The issue here is not the Covid death rate but the the death rate of everything else. A&E being full so a near fatal accident becomes a fatal accident, a curable cancer becomes too late to treat, etc, etc.
The there is the general impact on the working population with a transmission rate worse than the flu, with worse symptoms more people will be off due to illness. Because it's not a government ordered lockdown the business will not get any compensation.

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1421217 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 03:46PM

Charlottexxx, We’ll said , on average x amount of people die every year from various things , are the figures out for this year , I’d love to know how many deaths have been recorded this year subtract one from the other and there’s our answer , and yes we can go to work , queue in a supermarket and shops , but it’s dangerous to have a meal ehh

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lonely_lovely - 01 Jan, 2021 - 03:31PM

Well said.
I'm in hospitality (restaurants & pubs) and we've been scapegoats.

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charlottexx - 01 Jan, 2021 - 03:21PM

Logistically we should look to Feb/March for tiers to go lower. Not what I wish but I can see this draconian government hand wringing for many months.
Population of UK 67 million.
Deaths.. less than 0.15% of population.
What is that phrase about lies and statistics?
Funny how no one seems to have died of old age in 9 months! my grandfather (93) had terminal cancer Had weeks to live. Contracts covid- gets counted as a covid death.
statistics are used and media hysteria fans the flames. While the economy nose dives.
Personal responsibility.
Oh and on the NHS. My sister works in a district nursing team. All nurses have volunteered to work extra to roll out vaccine. None have been asked to. Utter BS

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1426707 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 01:23PM

There is hope. If you're over 50 and have a jab in January or early February then you'll be reasonably safe by the end of February. If you're under 50 the risks are very low anyway. If just one you has had the jab then it is probably unlikely that you could transmit to your IE (still to be proven though).

I expect restrictions will be lifted at least partially in February so cafes, restaurants and hotels can reopen.

Keeping fingers crossed, and hope I can find someone to join me!

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Fred_Baker - 01 Jan, 2021 - 01:06PM

@RealAffair, Id love to be wrong on this. Looking at the maths though it doesn't stack up. Ive seen a price of $5 offered for vacinations in the US, Id pay that and more if it was available. I've already raised with my employer as we would save literally millions by vaccinating colleagues

@Kismet, define normal? While this disease can kill or cripple normal isn't even on the horizon for millions. "Normal" behaviours have partly got us into this mess of a second wave.

That said when has "Mainstream Media" ever told us the truth ? They are the establishment with their agenda, it probably isnt yours or mine!

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