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Was lockdown the final straw that led you to seek out an affair?

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Comments (88)

lucy54321 - 31 Mar, 2021 - 02:51PM

Was thinking about it for a while. Not had the confidante to do it till this year.

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1433297 - 31 Mar, 2021 - 01:54PM

There’s quite a few people here that are looking because they feel rejected physically by their partners.
How many because they just like the attention of others and just want their free youth back?
If only we could have our lives over again 😇

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1444413 - 31 Mar, 2021 - 12:28PM

Well it didn't help

1445370 - 31 Mar, 2021 - 10:43AM

For me it’s been the physical rejection at home. For a man of 42 I’m in good shape, stay fit. My OH is 9 yrs my younger so she could have someone else, hence the lack on interest at home.

1329251 - 31 Mar, 2021 - 09:07AM

I think lockdown has affected everyone. From what I've heard it's ended some relationships, but solidified others. For me personally it's just stopped all physical fun (for obvious safety reasons) but in that time I have built up friendships, in some cases thanks to IE, and enjoy looking forward to what that might bring.

Adraug51 - 27 Mar, 2021 - 10:16PM

Lockdown has been difficult but some of us are single here too. I might be the weird one here, sorry. Just looking to chat and see ....

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Lufitay - 25 Mar, 2021 - 05:30PM

Yes lost the buzz and excitement of seeeing friends and being busy and realised we’re married mates. No passion but just best Mayes who have been having busy lives but that spark gone.

hotpuppies - 24 Mar, 2021 - 07:05PM

Yes it was

yeahandy - 24 Mar, 2021 - 09:34AM

Yes. Lockdown was last straw for me. My wife had been having an affair for a year or more and I wanted some fun for myself. I’d never looked before though

Reef7765 - 22 Mar, 2021 - 04:55PM

Nope, I had some free time …

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