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Was lockdown the final straw that led you to seek out an affair?

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Comments (88)

1386735 - 22 Mar, 2021 - 10:05AM

I agree entirely. It is the buzz,excitement and passion. You are here for a reason. If you don't know what that reason is you will never meet.


Still here I see. I think perhaps you are getting the buzz and excitement of multiple free accounts but no actual meets. 🤔

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1427040 - 22 Mar, 2021 - 12:00AM


I agree entirely. It is the buzz,excitement and passion. You are here for a reason. If you don't know what that reason is you will never meet.


vm151506 - 21 Mar, 2021 - 11:22PM

I first had an affair with a married man when I was in my 20’s
It’s the buzz, the excitement, the passion and has nothing to do with age or lockdown.
Lockdown has just brought time wasters who will never actually commit to having any real fun in person....my opinion

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 21 Mar, 2021 - 07:13PM

In response to Secret Mission and Rose Bud,

Yes, sex is massively important to me (as I’ve said before, I’m in my 50s), but apparently less so with my husband (also in his 50s), err, with me anyway 😳. But equally as important as the down and dirty aspect is simply the emotional attachment which can go adrift after a long relationship. We all become complacent and fundamentally lose interest, both physically and emotionally, we need fresh personalities and perspectives. I think it’s a sad but natural circumstance; being married for 20, 30, 50 plus years is an Effin long time. Not that long ago people didn’t live long enough to get bored. So, after rambling on (I’ve been drinking, an you tell ..?), everyone’s personal reason for being here is different, could be simply sex, could be emotional or it could be a combination of both. The End ..

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1421067 - 21 Mar, 2021 - 05:32PM

Rose Bud,

I did not say it was age. I said it was physical and based upon health.

1393321 - 21 Mar, 2021 - 05:24PM

Secret Mission,

I meant to add, it isn't about anyone's age that people go off sex.

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1393321 - 21 Mar, 2021 - 05:07PM

Secret mission,

From what I know of my female friends, men and women are basically the same in sex drive, with varying degrees in both genders. Some people, whether male or female, get sexually apathetic and the comments on here testify to this. There are lots of possible reasons for this. Plenty of wives say it's their men that have gone off sex but they themselves are very keen. So I dont think there are any physical differences in men and women in terms of sex drive. Society approves less of sexually empowered women and so women tend to keep quite about their desires. But after a couple of cocktails the stories all come out. Trust me, it's very enlightening. So I don't believe a sexually keen woman is a needle in a haystack....we are all over IE looking for the right man for our tastes.

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1421067 - 21 Mar, 2021 - 04:34PM

anonymouse-1 -

I wasn't saying that all ladies of a certain age have no interest in their love lives or in sex. What I was saying is that the physical differences between men and women make a difference and you are probably more elusive than the needle in the haystack.

I accept my wife has no interest in myself and some of it will be boredom but also a lot will be due to health reasons.

1421067 - 21 Mar, 2021 - 04:24PM

Its all about me -

I am sure you are at your best but that's not the point, at a certain age you could also be more elusive than the needle in the hay stack

1320953 - 21 Mar, 2021 - 03:53PM

It smacks of the comment from a bloke that she ‘must be a lesbian’ if she doesn’t fancy him! SMH ..
And yes, the wife is probably on here too with a worn out Rabbit in her bedside table.

I sent that before I'd nade my comment that I've had a lot of men that think that I'd be satisfied with an occupational meet, in other words when they have a stratch that needs itching they'd want to meet me. One even told me I couldn't expect to see someone or than once a month. I'd said I wanted once a week, at a minimum once a fortnight
I suppose if they need a little blue pill it might explain the reluctance... 😂

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