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Do you think a single like me should be on IE?

I have lived on my own for 10 years and know I'm not cut out for Living Together/Marriage at my age. I know my space and don't want to drive someone crazy. I still want to meet up with someone who is seeking connection, including exclusivity to the right person. Am I the only one like this?

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Comments (115)

ExoticOrchid - 07 Oct, 2023 - 07:30PM

L&E 02:37PM

Haha yes ... this single bashing is an IE sport ... it comes round every so often ... not sure how far down you read but there were a few very nasty men who were trolling me!

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Legs&Eyes - 07 Oct, 2023 - 02:37PM

Wow! This is another old thread......

But this is actually my situation.

Haha.. I can see you were posting on this thread 2 years ago Exotic Orchid! This should shake up the 'why are there single ladies on here' once again then....haha...

I'm sat waiting for the washing machine to finish hence going thro the old threads, lol.... happy Saturday all!....

Pleasurepole - 25 Oct, 2021 - 05:13PM

In this world we are free to make our own choices. If it’s your choice to join here and maybe find a little happiness then good on you I say. Good luck hope you find someone wonderful.

1483395 - 24 Oct, 2021 - 10:48PM

Further to my last comment, a simple observation, yes I know what this site is, no I have no solid expectations as to who I might meet (or not, as the case may be) but, regardless of both, I intend to remain polite and friendly to all because, its strike me that we as individuals have lost that common decency that we once had, everything is so polarised now, is there still room for fun, banter and chit chat...of course If I did find that one person who was willing to add a little fun back in my life it would be foolish not to let them- as long a we both understand the limits either wishes to set........

1483395 - 24 Oct, 2021 - 10:29PM

Why shouldn't singles be on here? I am only single because I was widowed within the last two years and miss that spark and intellectual conversation....not to mention the chemistry we had in the playroom (wink)

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1463136 - 16 Jul, 2021 - 03:51PM

No you aren’t love. I couldn’t cope with someone else in my space 24/7. To be honest I don’t even like sleeping (I mean sleeping not sex) with someone else, give me my big bed alone. That’s why I am choosing my o have a lover and not a partner. Prior committment means no one can get giddy and silly. X

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CharlieFx - 16 Jul, 2021 - 02:47PM

I was under the impression anyone can have an IE - not just people who are already in a relationship?!

If a person (guy or girl) messaged me I wouldn’t turn down the chance of some fun just because they’re single.

Chezley - 06 Jul, 2021 - 03:00PM

There appears to be talk of having the right to be here.

The right to infidelity?

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1373422 - 05 Jul, 2021 - 11:17PM

I’m a single lady on here and feel I have every right to be.
This is a site for people to meet people, so everyone should be welcome. Carpe Diem

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1354208 - 04 Jul, 2021 - 01:13PM

Personally I don't really see an issue as to whether someone is married, living together or single and using this site.

Everyone has the right to use this place and no-one has the right to tell them they're wrong for doing so. If someone doesn't like it then just move on to the next profile, it really is that simple.

Not everyone sees someone who is single as a threat, if for some reason they do then why have a dig at them? Might be a better idea to just grow up and realise that the World doesn't revolve around their ass.

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