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Do you think a single like me should be on IE?

I have lived on my own for 10 years and know I'm not cut out for Living Together/Marriage at my age. I know my space and don't want to drive someone crazy. I still want to meet up with someone who is seeking connection, including exclusivity to the right person. Am I the only one like this?

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Comments (115)

1458872 - 20 Jun, 2021 - 06:25PM

Mmm! Probably not! Why not on a singles site ? x

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1449716 - 20 Jun, 2021 - 02:13PM

What’s with the personal insults, to disagree with points of view is one thing and everyone’s right , but to start slinging insults over very personal things is a bit nasty , it’s taken a dark nasty tone on here over the past few months , a few have already left because of this , enjoy your sausage fest here

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ExoticOrchid - 20 Jun, 2021 - 02:11PM

When a man feels the need to belittle a woman whom he has never met, nor had any personal interaction with, on a public forum no less, by citing menopause to insult that woman, it says more about the man and not in a good way either!

It shows him up for the despicable, small minded person that he is.

Talk about misogyny! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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ExoticOrchid - 20 Jun, 2021 - 10:18AM

Sportster1200L - 12:09AM

Considering I sailed past that stage without any symptoms whatsoever years ago, I have no requirements for any treatment, thank you very much.

Judging from this very personal insult, it would appear you are the one in dire need of treatment for male menopause ... perhaps Viagra could help although I'm not sure itvcan help with a personality disorder though.

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1117169 - 20 Jun, 2021 - 12:09AM


Its mostly intended to treat menopausal symptoms, so no.

1393321 - 19 Jun, 2021 - 06:03PM

In answer to a question why a single person is on here and not a mainstream dating site for singles.

I am single. I want discretion so it suits me to be on a dating site where it's ok to not have my photo displayed publicly, it must be requested. Mainstream sites dont have that facility, and non members can browse their profiles. I like the avatar feature on here. I also like the fact that a married date will also want to be discreet. As much as I like holding hands I cant do that near to my home area. Theres a good reason for that but on here I'm not expected to divulge it to a date. My desire for discretion is respected.

Choosing to be on here has nothing to do with the kind of relationship I can expect to develop because I have discovered in the year since joined that there are plenty of married men who want a regular, girlfriend/boyfriend-like relationship that is intimate, based on friendship and developing. Just not to marriage because they are already married. I want the same type of relations

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ExoticOrchid - 12 Jun, 2021 - 02:16PM

Sportster1200L - 12 Jun, 2021 - 08:21AM

Is that what you use?

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1117169 - 12 Jun, 2021 - 08:21AM


Have you tried evening primrose oil?

1317379 - 10 Jun, 2021 - 07:46PM

It's all for NSO isn't it

Polycarbonate - 10 Jun, 2021 - 10:46AM

By its nature the site should have some excluding properties, enough to deter those for which it is not suitable. Once any site becomes all inclusive they tend to lose their original character and become like any other. Which is what the new intake are saying. They like this site because it is a fresh page to start on.

The dynamics will change and it's often reflected in the contents of the forums. The original members will stand aloof, maintaining trusted cliques, and the new generations will vicariously blunder about wondering why they are doing all this again under a new disguise.

This is where the internet has taken people.

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