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You're Great!

Post first date ….
If the guy messages you and says several times “you’re great” - what does that mean?! I mean is quite a generic word

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Comments (94)

1444888 - 11 Jun, 2021 - 11:11AM

At least the great wasn't followed by 'super' lol (for those that don't know google 'Reginald Perrin' TV series)

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1317379 - 10 Jun, 2021 - 07:44PM

he's just trying to flatter you to get what he wants...how does he know you're great?

Edwardhenry - 10 Jun, 2021 - 07:40PM

I guess it's better that saying ' you grate' which in itself would throw up a completely different conversation. His 'moderate' vocabulary may just be him trying not to say too much to scare you off or too little to make you think he's not interested, it's a minefield out there

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Hertsguy36 - 10 Jun, 2021 - 09:03AM

Some people aren’t that great with words, was his messages previously more wordy? As others have mentioned trust your gut feelings. And be brave, just ask a staright forward question if he’s interested or not.
I will say it’s not unusual to Experince a drop in emotions after a meet, a bit of post climax come down, prbabkly something to do with hormones and the like.
Hope it works out for the best

1455097 - 10 Jun, 2021 - 07:18AM

Hmm, interesting one.
Surely a guy (or gal) can come up with a better way of expressing their thoughts than just ‘great’
I was once told that it was ‘nice’ after a date… ouch!
Out of interest, what did you tell him he was like?

lisa3232 - 09 Jun, 2021 - 10:11PM

Male brain versus female brain.

He thinks you're great.

We analyse syntax meaning hidden meaning then realise we're over analysing and take it at face value, only to eventually return to our natural over thinking ways: because in general what our gut feeling overall, tends to be spot on.
You seem underwhelmed by his choice of phrase, trust your gut. If he's into you, really into you, he'll make it known.

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1449137 - 09 Jun, 2021 - 09:06PM

Instead of "you are great", does he make you feel great?

if so, who cares that he has the vocabulary of a 5 year old.

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1386735 - 09 Jun, 2021 - 08:38PM

If he’s saying it several times and not much else, I would think it quite lame.
It’s like when you send a guy a pic and his reply is nice


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Teresa di Vicenzo - 09 Jun, 2021 - 02:14PM

Well I guess the fact that ‘you’re great’ has been written rather than ‘your great’ is a definite plus. But to say it several times is not such a plus.
Is that all he sent, or was it included within longer messages?
I think I’d assume he was driving home after the first date (what sort of date; coffee and a bun, or more carnal? More background needed please) and had sneaked a text while stuck at traffic lights, but beyond that, it seems a bit odd.
I’m not sure how I’d reply. I’d certainly be a bit irritated after the third or fourth.
So many questions we need clarification on please.

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Pete likes wine - 09 Jun, 2021 - 01:58PM

Time is evaluation test here!

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