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I'm relatively new to this world.

1) Any tips for booking hotels in London
for a few hours?
2) What's the general norm regarding paying for the
hotel (does the man foot the bill or is it split between the two)?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Comments (223)

Garden75 - 27 Aug, 2021 - 11:38PM

1) day use.com reasonable prices and a good few hours.

2) if you are getting to the point of booking a hotel then you both will be involved in the discussion, personally I think it wrong for some else to pick up the tab all the time, maybe take turns ( it’s gonna happen more than once) or agree 50/50

Communicate and ironically be honest with each other if you don’t this will not work!

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MangeTu - 26 Aug, 2021 - 08:51AM

As others have said below, some women find it uncomfortable, either having the foom paid entirely by the man, or receiving half the money, if they have paid.

Turn and turn about seems to work best.

Premier Inn have card machine check-in at a lot of their premises; turn up, enter your code, receive key-cards.

As a lot of chains allow check-in from 1200, the possibilities for a relaxed day are always there.

I've also found Hilton to be very reasonable on their day rate rooms. But personally, I prefer a hotel that allows me to check in early afternoon and keep the room until 1100 the next day.

Beauty88 - 25 Aug, 2021 - 09:26AM

Come on...l would think been a gent you should pay for the hotel..but then as a lady you should be getting everything free..try even pay for a meal or some activities.

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1467074 - 25 Aug, 2021 - 08:18AM

This "who pays" thing can be tricky for a guy. As we see below there are some girls that like the traditional approach and others that see it as chauvinism. I think I would at least offer to pay for the first date but wouldn't insist if somebody wanted to go halves. Definitely no need for money in an envelope! I think I'd just ask her to get the next one, if it got that far.

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1465464 - 24 Aug, 2021 - 02:37PM

I prefer to pay for the hotel on the first meeting. I don’t feel obligated to do anything, which I know sounds awful, but takes a lot of pressure off and I know I’m there because I want to be, not because I feel bad!! Plus I like expensive hotels 😂

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kindpassion - 24 Aug, 2021 - 02:25PM

Shouldn’t be that hard to sort, if you get on well these things should be just minute details. I’m happy to pay as I know it’s discreetly done or split it.

1469669 - 24 Aug, 2021 - 01:42PM

The fact that many if the men on here are executives, directors or own businesses tbh I'd expect the man to pay for the hotel. If they have to quibble on that, then are not worth it.

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asecretlover - 24 Aug, 2021 - 08:24AM

I'm fine with paying for the hotel as I have a good job and the money isn't an issue.
If she wants to split it 50/50 thats fine as well.

The last time I did this was with a woman at work - I paid the hotel bill, but she handed me an envelope of money for half of it at work the next day. I felt like an escort. Fantastic!!!!

1117169 - 24 Aug, 2021 - 07:55AM


There are many ways to treat a woman with the respect she deserves and that may include offering to pay or paying for things if her disposable income is much less, but believing that men should always foot the bill for everything regardless is very old fashioned and quite chauvinistic. Many women actually feel offended by a man who has this attitude as It implies that they are poor weak dependent helpless creatures who have to be provided for.

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1117169 - 24 Aug, 2021 - 07:38AM

@ Curious980

That's not due to unequal pay rates, its due to unequal career opportunities, which is another matter altogether.

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