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I'm relatively new to this world.

1) Any tips for booking hotels in London
for a few hours?
2) What's the general norm regarding paying for the
hotel (does the man foot the bill or is it split between the two)?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Comments (223)

1117169 - 09 Jul, 2021 - 05:29PM

As long as both agree to pay their way according to their means, it avoids any unpleasant feelings on either side that the arrangement is transactional.

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EnglishNirvana - 09 Jul, 2021 - 02:57PM

I've split the hotel bill before but made the mistake of booking the hotel. After sex the man, (who I'd been seeing quite regularly) gave me half of the cost of the hotel in cash and it made me feel like an escort!

I'm happy to split the bill but not in that way, it just wasn't romantic!

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ClassyLady77 - 09 Jul, 2021 - 01:17PM

Dayuse.com is good, you can pay at hotel not used since COVID. Day use hotels much cheaper than overnight prices so can get some lovely ones.

IMO a man should pay for the hotel. Us ladies have other expenses.. 😉 I’ve booked hotel once and felt awful worst experience ever and won’t repeat.. Anyone who’s genuinely interested in having an affair you need your own money/account..

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