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Do I reschedule?

I'm going on a first date (in about 15 years!) tomorrow. I've been so excited. I got my hair done this week and applied fake tan yesterday - and omg I've left it on for far too long, I'm horrified! Now I'm so nervous about meeting (I feel like I don't look my best!) - does it matter? Or should I reschedule? Help!

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Comments (63)

1393321 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 03:52PM

By the way, I have a first date dress that's very plain, which I wear because I want him to focus on my eyes and let our connection speak for itself.

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1393321 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 03:49PM

How many men ever notice when a woman's had her hair done? In this heatwave I suspect it'll look entirely natural, it's just a shock to you.

I agree with others...make a joke of it, meet him and have a laugh. It will fade eventually but hopefully not your deeper attraction for each other. Good luck on your date x

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1117169 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 03:42PM

Fake anything puts me off completely. Natural every time please.

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1447655 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 03:25PM

Dont get me wrong, any I.E date I have ever had has been very pleasing on the eye and 'well turned out'. No complaints from me!

It's just the expectations for women are so much more complex. Hair, makeup, wax, tan, expensive complicated underware, understated elegant outerwear. Of course, I suppose the response would be "but I.E woman does all that naturally, that's just who she is" (not if she has a full time job, a home to run and kids, you know, to generally keep alive). But, I suppose a profile is never going to say 'prefers flip flops, sun dress and straw hat'. But then, I like unvonventional men! X

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truth and logic - 23 Jul, 2021 - 02:30PM

@loerlai gilmore,, too true Mr Darcy always seems so more average in the flesh. Men it is not just you who had an IE dream, but us girls know that it is just that.The effort you put in is what you deserve back....

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silentcavalier - 23 Jul, 2021 - 01:16PM

Go! unless you feel like it's really going to affect your confidence and worry you all night.
If not, go, be honest, have a giggle over it, and if he doesn't have a sense of humour over it or it's enough to put him off then frankly he's pretty shallow and one to be avoided. If he can have a laugh too then there was no need to put the date off!
Have a great time :)

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Chezley - 23 Jul, 2021 - 11:21AM

Give up.

I imagine the sex would be equivalent.

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Bereweeke - 23 Jul, 2021 - 10:49AM

It's not too late to visit Boots and buy a fake tan eraser. Failing that, if you wish to cancel the date do it now and tell him the truth. If he is a decent gentleman he will laugh and tell you it doesn't matter - he is mature enough to see through fake tan disasters. What ever you choose to do - good luck.

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ClassyLady77 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 10:47AM

Truth and logic. I agree men never make the effort.. soo why should we…. Take me as you find me..:.. 🤷‍♀️

I met someone for coffee the other week last minute not done my makeup… 😂 I did warn him before hand 🤪

ClassyLady77 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 10:43AM

Lorelai totally agree.. Think men want this young, thin women to dress up for them every single meet.. The women who do that want paying…. 😂

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