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First date attire

I've been reading lately in the forum about women anxing about their outfits etc in order to impress their firstdate. Really does it matter? Chaps, tell us your expectations...make up or natural, new dress or casual comfort, cleavage or low key?

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Comments (241)

1458849 - 29 Jul, 2021 - 04:12PM

Assuming everyone has managed to dress themselves for years , for different occasions . This is a really silly question

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Gormlessoaf - 29 Jul, 2021 - 03:22PM

Fellows should note carefully the venue and the clientele. Then as best they can, tell the ie what would be the most suitable clothing.

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truth and logic - 29 Jul, 2021 - 02:52PM

Dress for where you are, in something you are happy in . Likewise make- up. Trying to be something you are not only make you nervous and less easy company .OF -COURSE MAKING THE MOST OF THE BEST BITS WHERE YOU CAN NEVER HURTS.

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Caroline Red - 29 Jul, 2021 - 02:22PM

what about the men? my personal yes: suit or cas with jacket. no: baseball caps and sports shirts

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TheOneTrueDave - 29 Jul, 2021 - 02:20PM

It really does depend on the who and when and once you've agreed to meet, you should know each other well enough to know what to expect and what's expected.

If you're meeting for a date (dinner and whatever follows) then yes it's important to make a great initial impression but if you're not being yourself and that impression doesn't match with the version of you that your IE has come to know on here, their alarm bells will be clanging before you've even said hello. Be authentic and be clean.

Likewise, if you're meeting for a quickie during lunch, make sure you showered and brushed your teeth before you left for work and you wore clean underwear beneath your work gear! Expecting Margaret from HR to make a quick-change into a cocktail dress and back would be silly and unreasonable.

Perhaps most importantly, no perfume/aftershave. Unless you're looking to get caught by your spouse, who almost certainly wears another brand!

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1459578 - 29 Jul, 2021 - 12:55PM

The question asks our expectations....i think both parties need to make as much effort as they would for any first date but temper that with the reality of it being a work lunch break or a coffee at a farm shop. No-one wants their date to come tottering in made up to the nines while the rest of the customers have just walked the dog. That said both sexes will want to look their best within the circumstances...freshly shaved ( both sexes ☺️), clean smart clothing, an extra button undone, hair and makeup fresh

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1458849 - 29 Jul, 2021 - 11:14AM

Sportster you are in a very small minority if you actually believe what you have wrote , actually watching and hearing people says very differently , everyone looks and admires the well dressed and presented , never seen a bloke get whiplash at the hairy au naturel one in the pub

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shakemyspear - 29 Jul, 2021 - 10:40AM

I think it depends on you and how you feel.Natural vs makeup - both are great. You should be comfortable, sexy, naughty or however you want to feel.
You’ll have a good idea of what to do after you’ve been chatting for a while beforehand I think.


241014 - 29 Jul, 2021 - 09:48AM

Everybody should wear clothes and act true to who they are. There’s no point in turning up dressed up to the 9s if your natural attire is more slob-esque.

Most people value authenticity above all else. I know I do.

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1117169 - 29 Jul, 2021 - 09:21AM

Clothes and make up are superficial and artificial and very high heels simply say "I lack confidence about my true height so I am pretending to be taller than I really am"

True beauty lies underneath and shines through regardless .Men who understand and are receptive to this pay little or no attention to them and dont give a damn about them.

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