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Do we?

Do we get fussier with age? I personally think I've been more open minded the older I've gotten but my friend disagrees.

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Comments (147)

1303117 - 25 Sep, 2021 - 01:13PM

Personally I think I've had more self-worth and I'm getting better at going for what I want and not anything that happens to fly by. Ultimately treat people with respect and not wasting anyone's time especially if I know I don't want to be with them

Walkingman - 22 Sep, 2021 - 06:09PM

I think we get more discerning with age, less willing to put up with any rubbish but also more willing to see past good looks and flim flam to see the person up ehind all of it as that is who we really want to meet and connect with. All our bodies have changed but in the end I want a real woman who has lived life .. that and to enjoy myself

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1447655 - 22 Sep, 2021 - 12:11AM

Very unexpectedly, I think my standards got higher! I guess my self worth is better in my 40's than in my 20's as I'm just not prepared to put up with the same old shizzle i have done in the past. My experience here has enabled me to not just identify what I want, but more relevantly, what I don't want.

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Smooth Ronno - 20 Sep, 2021 - 12:17AM

I think we get more open minded, I think I can let things go and see past certain things more now than when I was younger

Doctor13702 - 16 Sep, 2021 - 05:36PM

I am new to the affair game and have noticed that attributes that turned me on years ago now don’t.

As a result I’m having to find out what it is that makes me spark again, yes it’s fun, but tiring as well as I don’t want to waste someone’s time or mine.

Fussier……no, just looking for a different person

1117169 - 15 Sep, 2021 - 08:08PM

@ Johnb7

I agree.

Male sexuality is far more complex than many women appreciate.

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1471685 - 15 Sep, 2021 - 09:46AM

I don’t think that it’s just age, I think it’s a type of personality that doesn’t want sax with anyone. More important than coitus is the warmth of a woman next to you, the touch, the smell, it all makes for a relationship that culminates with intercourse....not even themN, afterplay when you are all hot and sticky with sex is every bit as enjoyable as the sex act irself. Love making is not about personal sexual gratification, it’s about sharing the experience with someone you care about and servicing their needs before thinking about your own. Then, and only then will you have mind blowing sex...
Yea, I am fussy, I admit it. When there is no warmth and caring and sharing, sex is akin to internal masturbation. Not for me, I’m afraid.....

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1475031 - 14 Sep, 2021 - 02:02PM

Think we do get fussy as we get older, it’s quality we look for, being open minded about many things is also a good thing, finding someone with similar ideas is the. Problem

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Countess J - 14 Sep, 2021 - 02:24AM

Finding an emotionally mature partner on this site is very challenging. The unsolicited sexual messages are exhausting. So yes, I am and will always be fussy when considering a partner.

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Countess J - 14 Sep, 2021 - 02:18AM

My tolerance for dealing with other people's nonsense has declined as I've gotten older. I just don't have the patience for games, lies, trying to decipher coded messages or putting up with cheap men. I shoot straight and expect the same in return. My standards have always been elevated and I won't lower them for anyone!

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