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Do we?

Do we get fussier with age? I personally think I've been more open minded the older I've gotten but my friend disagrees.

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Comments (147)

1117169 - 11 Sep, 2021 - 08:11PM


That's understandable.

It has been said that men would be better suited to having a housekeeper and a girlfriend ( Or several) than getting married.

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Gil_lette43 - 11 Sep, 2021 - 06:28PM

I have defiantly become fussier with age. When I was choosing my husband, I was looking for a father material, a soulmate, relatability etc with an ie lover I know it is going to be just a fling, so it has to be damn good! I am not looking for his money, him giving me any children as I have got them now, I have got it all apart from a sexy body and stamina I lack at home…😝

Peaches1 - 07 Sep, 2021 - 11:30PM

Absolutely! I think as we are getting older we get more wiser. I find this especially towards bull shit. We become less tolerant and more focused on what we want over what we don't want and very rarely settle for anything less Being open minded is a very broad term. I would happily be open to try new things but I'm not willing to compromise on some things so depends what context this is

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gemini2310 - 07 Sep, 2021 - 07:39PM

I do not think it's a case of being fussier it's just hard finding mental attraction and physical attraction the two have to be there.

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1459408 - 07 Sep, 2021 - 02:36PM

Am I any fussier no just more realistic!!! Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all I think that one passed me by a some time ago. If (and I do mean if ) a younger woman messaged me and she was interested? I would be somewhat perplexed and keep asking the question why? I would happily chat to a younger woman nothing wrong with that but as for meeting up and then eventually getting down to the flesh on flesh stuff I can’t see that happening Look I don’t think I’m too bad for my age when it comes to the mind and the body but i’ve got to be realistic and honest with myself and anyway there’s many older women on this site That have Great minds and bodies it just takes time
(seek and you shall find!!!! )

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Gallowglass666 - 07 Sep, 2021 - 11:36AM

I am not sure I get any fussier- I think that I am simply now at a stage where I no longer have to put up with 'making do'- I am not talking purely sexually here, you understand, but as an overall observation; why have instant coffee when one can have a decent tasting cup? (Unless you prefer instant, of course!)

I do think that I care much less about what the world generally thinks of me, and much more about what individuals think of me, and I am much less inclined to try to 'fit in' with society norms unless I wish to. My choice, not theirs!

As to the worth of an older man...outside any obvious monetary aspect, how can an older man (or woman) be 'worth' more (or less) then a younger? A person is a person, good, bad or indifferent- you either like them or you don't!

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FluffyClouds - 29 Aug, 2021 - 03:03PM

Sigmaguy - market value of older men increases? Er, no it doesn't. Might do if you are a sugar daddy and like living in the deluded belief that the sugar baby actually even likes you. She likes your money, nothing else. What an empty life that must be. Older men, even when I was young, do not attract me.

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Bereweeke - 29 Aug, 2021 - 11:15AM

As much as we do not want to believe it (though the older we are, the more we recognise it) we do turn into our parents. It depends on how your parents attitudes were to life when you grew up - and whether you chose to accept what they thought.

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1117169 - 29 Aug, 2021 - 10:44AM


To answer your questions

Selfish narrow minded people do that because they can't cope with anyone who does not conform to their own fixed idea of what is "Normal"

Its a big wide world populated with billions of people who each have their own equally valid mindsets.

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1472421 - 29 Aug, 2021 - 10:10AM

I think older means that you have had more time to decide what you do and don't like. Rather than fussy you really do know what you like!

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