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Does it become easier?

For those who have been on IE for some time, I'm interested to hear how your approach to affairs and finding a suitable partner may have changed with experience compared to when you first started. Does it become easier to know what you're looking for and to manage an affair successfully over time or is each one different? What did you learn along the way

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Comments (90)

Maasai77 - 30 Mar, 2024 - 11:24AM

I have had a long affair from this site and meet nice people nothing went wrong for me because I was patient enough until I meet the right person,by the way he is married and is still married I am single and has never stepped out of my boundaries I only listen about his frustration at home and never say anything negative but help him when I can

Paula99 - 30 Mar, 2024 - 08:50AM

There is a story on Apple News about extra marital affairs and terms used like ‘cushioning ‘ or ‘backburnering’

It makes good reading ….🐣🐣🐣🐰🐰🐰

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Enigmatic Lady - 29 Mar, 2024 - 06:49AM

I had a very interesting conversation yesterday with a friend of mine who is also a female member on the site. We were discussing the lack of new male members in the areas we are actively looking at.
I’ve only been on the site for a few weeks and was asking her advice on a few matters. Which led to a conversation about male members and, although we don’t live in the same areas, it’s the same males who are messaging both myself and my friend.
Which led to the question what if I was to become involved with a male and I found out he had been messaging my friend? Or she had arranged to me with him too? Or vice versa.
Should we both meet up with him, separately, and then get together for a coffee to compare notes lol 😝.

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ayefondkiss - 28 Mar, 2024 - 09:26PM

I’m not sure. I have met a couple of lovely people from here, which is why I came back and I’m hoping that it’ll be a case of third time lucky to meet someone who’s just as lovely! here’s hoping, right? :)

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1651038 - 28 Mar, 2024 - 08:57PM

Always find its best to leave those who have been on here for ages well alone.
Either they are A) way too fussy or B) just on here to play games or C) serial philanderers

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1656615 - 28 Mar, 2024 - 10:55AM

Only been here 2 weeks so can.t really say . But age shouldnt put you off . Just because you mighrt have a partner at home who can.t give you what you wan.t does.nt mean someone of that age or above is the same . Im 60 . Don.t look my age . No problems in the bedroom department or being a gentleman and treating a lady how she likes. . But think women see age and thats it . We are not all passed it at 40 and neither are women . So have a chat . Look at the puctures you never know you might just be missing something that might make you happy .

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1653842 - 28 Mar, 2024 - 09:14AM

I have learnt that you should not restrict browsing to the age you expect might be interested (I am 69)there are ladies looking for us older men who are not past it yet !

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1642942 - 12 Mar, 2024 - 04:21PM

As an older man I am rejected 99 times out of 100, so I keep trying

On and off here over many years I have met some wonderful women and we have had beautiful affairs

If you are new here, never take rejection to heart - and try again

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Paula99 - 02 Mar, 2024 - 04:27PM

The secret to this is having ‘separate lives’ in the early stages of your career/partnership ..everything in general life means natural pauses in your life ..kids/ work shifts / hobbies/parents and other pastimes…if you have these already in place then there are no changes to be made so therefore no excuses …when you have to make unexplained reasons why you need to go out that’s when the ‘rot’ kicks in and you will make stupid mistakes and risk your marriage/career/kids….THINK 😉

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1650483 - 02 Mar, 2024 - 02:02AM

I wish I knew the answer, as I’m still new in the “business” and feeling my way around haha.

One of the questions I’ve been thinking is, how far away is acceptable for an affair? Do we have IEs who play locally? That, for me is too risky.

How do you maintain communication? Do you just use IE messaging, or do you risk giving out your mobile and how soon is OK to do so?

As someone who’s never done this before, it does mean a gradual change to my lifestyle. This includes how frequently I suddenly have a reason to go out, a change in my dressing and even how much time I now spend outside.

I guess if it works for most of us on here, then I guess I can make it work too.

I’m just hoping to bring some much needed spark and fun back in my life.

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