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Does it become easier?

For those who have been on IE for some time, I'm interested to hear how your approach to affairs and finding a suitable partner may have changed with experience compared to when you first started. Does it become easier to know what you're looking for and to manage an affair successfully over time or is each one different? What did you learn along the way

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Comments (90)

laughingboy - 09 Oct, 2021 - 07:06PM

Been on IE a while now, and also a couple of times in the past, and
have had two delicious affairs off here.
I can appreciate that it s difficult for women being inundated with messages.....must be more irritating than flattering!

Met a woman last year, just when I was on the point of giving up and shutting down my profile. I was looking for someone near to my own age, but she was 30 years my junior, which was a surprise, and very flattering. For about 9 months, we vigorously pursued our affair in spite of Covid. Getting hotel rooms was tricky, but lateral thinking got round it!
So.....patience people! Don't give up and keep looking. And don't be rude to those who are rude to you.....be more grown-up than them, and move swiftly on.

last year

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1466140 - 09 Oct, 2021 - 06:33PM

I nearly started a relationship with a woman that I met here. Her circumstances changed and unfortunately everything went pear shaped for her. That was disappointing. Patience is required to meet someone. What I struggle with is the lack of responses to mails. But you can understand what women go through on this site.

Welshdiamond - 09 Oct, 2021 - 02:00PM

Tbh, I had been with someone31yrs and divorced 4yrs,I now feel it’s time to get a myself a life. What do you put as an introduction . I never know wha to say .

Welshdiamond - 09 Oct, 2021 - 01:56PM

After being with some one 31yrs and being on my own 4 I’m struggling to find a Mate who is divorced, or out of a relationship . Can’t bring myself to entertain a married man , but never say never , what do you think of my hopes realistically.

1303117 - 09 Oct, 2021 - 01:09PM

Tbh the struggle is for real on here, you attract someone or find your match and then they get distracted by another and the circle just goes on. It can destroy confidence for a person if you let it get to you

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hazle-eyes - 09 Oct, 2021 - 12:57PM

14 years of rejection by my wife and months of rejection on here I can honestly say no. When my membership runs out I think I will join a gym and use my money to improve my body image and then perhaps someone will like me. For me this journey has been blow after blow so for me it has not got easier. I guess if your eloquent with the written word then this is a great place.

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All Day Breakfast - 09 Oct, 2021 - 12:12PM

I don’t think it gets any harder or easier over time … you’re basically only ever trying to find the people in the overlap of the IE Venn Diagram. A lot of luck involved in this.

I find it extraordinary how many people use their profiles to vent … communicating to the people you don’t want to attract …. at the same time putting off anyone who might be…! 🤷‍♂️

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Peaches1 - 07 Oct, 2021 - 11:05PM

mogordon - 07 Oct, 2021 - 10:09PM
God! I agree! Couple of years ago you chatted for a week then week after you met. Now it's like pulling teeth. Hopefully all the timewasters will be back to their normal lives soon.

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mogordon - 07 Oct, 2021 - 10:09PM

Seem to be an increasing number of time-wasters on here. Used to be way better a couple of years ago. Wonder why?

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1471338 - 07 Oct, 2021 - 06:45PM

For me it's become harder to find your partner in crime every body seems so fussy about every thing or far to direct, or live in London I find it frustrating

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