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Am I just panicking or should I be concerned?

I’ve been chatting to a guy on here since last October, and wanted to meet him, but due to a family bereavement on his side, a meet hasn’t happened yet.

Recently I’ve really wanted to meet him, but when I mention he says he can’t, as he’s too flakey and concentrating on his family. He has a habit of going awol from chats for weeks at a time, with no word, then comes back, and expects me to be ok about that.

This week he finally decided that he’s like to meet, but I’m worried about the circumstances. The hotel he’s picked is near his workplace, but a 40min drive for me, he doesn’t want to meet for a drink first, just go straight for sex. He’s picked the day, but hasn’t even asked me if it’s convenient for me.

My intuition is telling me to be careful, but I’m not sure if I’m just nervous, as this would be my first affair.

Could anyone that has more experience offer and guidance or gut feelings on this one?

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Comments (151)

1117169 - 24 Feb, 2022 - 12:08PM

Way too many "Red Flags" it seems but to be fair we only have your version of events.

Avoid and move on. Tell him you dont feel comfortable with it and end it. If he persists block him. Its one of the circumstances that justify it

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1497533 - 24 Feb, 2022 - 11:39AM

I don't think anyone is ganging up on the guy. But he's been honest. He wants to meet for sex and doesn't want any effort on his part. Hotel very convenient to him, day and time convenient to him. He doesn't want a date. If the OP wants this, then fine, go for it. If she doesn't, then avoid.

Yes he's apparently lost a family member but keeps this woman dangling. He clearly doesn't want an affair with her

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Mad World - 24 Feb, 2022 - 11:24AM

Astounded, bewildered and disappointed that everyone sees fit to gang up on this chap.
He’s been described as having lost a family member - I had to double check that didn’t just say ‘member’, it doesn’t - yet everyone here is taking pot shots.
Kick a bloke when he’s down why don’t you.

I think we should hear his side of the story, it takes 2 remember

Dear Author of the Piece - please invite yer man on here to defend himself. We’ll be judge and jury in an a fair, open and transparent forum. Honest …

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Brightside up - 24 Feb, 2022 - 11:23AM

No. I'd have to say this sounds like one to swerve. Where is the respect for you? From the sound of it this will just be a one off to fit into his lunchbreak. Why would you not want to meet for a drink first? Not only does it give you the opportunity to decide if you want to go further, but if the attraction is there it builds excitement and anticipation. Aim higher. X

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truth and logic - 24 Feb, 2022 - 10:50AM

Sound like he wants a leg over in his own time to suit him...he does not want want an affair, just a quickie with someone mug enough to fall for it. Surely you are worth more than that?(he clearly is not) so move on to better things.

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Gentleman Paul - 24 Feb, 2022 - 10:35AM

There is a big difference between meeting each other in the flesh and just jumping straight into bed. I would meet defiantly before hand if I were you!

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1244426 - 24 Feb, 2022 - 10:22AM

Run a mile!!!!

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Bereweeke - 24 Feb, 2022 - 09:35AM

Safety comes first. My advice is forget it and move on. Based on what you have written, I doubt it would ever become an affair. Look after yourself.

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rarity23 - 24 Feb, 2022 - 09:30AM

Sounds like a player to me.

Chatting since October, but no meet, and excuses

Depends on what you are looking for though, but even if you are looking for a hook up, you'd be wanting to me for a drink first !

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Mad World - 24 Feb, 2022 - 09:25AM

You know what they say, practice makes perfect and you have to start somewhere. Let’s not forget he’s had a family bereavement & everyone deals with grief in their own way. This just might be his.
If you’re worried, safety in numbers, take someone with you to hide in the bushes or trees, take pictures of him and threaten him with all sorts if he is anything other than gentle with you or up to monkey business.
Good luck and God speed.

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