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When do you know……?

It is so difficult reading between the lines of text messages. Ladies, how do we guys know you are interested, or just being friendly? What vibes should we be looking out for, and what kind of responses strike a balance between being keen back but not disrespectful?

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Comments (229)

Paula99 - 12 May, 2022 - 04:34PM

I have to agree with BH and EO....if the couple are in agreement that it's working for them it's all good.

We all conduct our affairs in the way we deem fit..

It was much easier when we didnt have our pocket/handbag help..sign of the times...😔

Pink Eiga - 12 May, 2022 - 04:07PM

Exactly my approach too. As @EO pointed out, it’s between the parties concerned to agree what is right for them.

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FluffyClouds - 12 May, 2022 - 01:46PM

Sportster -

In the beginning, I did stay away from here until the meet, which could have been in a weeks time. I changed my view on that when the meets didn't turn out as hoped. The only time I will stay away from the site now, is when I meet someone, we are well suited and want to meet again and take it further with a relationship and we both agree were not looking for anyone else.

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ExoticOrchid - 12 May, 2022 - 10:23AM

My personal view is that it is *entirely* between the two parties how they deal with this issue ... each to their own ... other people's views as to how it should be does *not* matter at all, end of.

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1515202 - 12 May, 2022 - 06:20AM

It’s only a meet. I frequently chat to men who tell me they are talking to someone else and might have a date with the other party. Nobody is exclusive at this early stage.

What is not respectful is if he says I’m the only one when clearly I’m not

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1117169 - 11 May, 2022 - 11:15PM


Yes why not keep off here for a few days until you meet. Its respectful to your date and it will be appreciated. Ladies are better placed to play the long game anyway.

FluffyClouds - 11 May, 2022 - 09:22PM

Witch1 -

I don't like constant messaging, and there wasn't a booty call either. People are just different in what they expect with texting and calls. I'll talk to them in depth when I see them again.

1515202 - 11 May, 2022 - 07:34PM

We need to be mindful that attention spans are short on IE. Not talk to anybody else prior to a meet? Do men ever do that?

Eggs. Basket.

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1117169 - 11 May, 2022 - 11:06AM

@Bored Houswife764

"Ghosting" is completely unacceptable in my mind. You are not "Ghosting" anyone if you dont log in here at all for the few days it takes until you have been on the date that you already have lined up. The other men that you have been talking to will assume that you have not been able to reply to them because you have been offline and should not take offence. What can be offensive is when they dont get a reply when you are clearly talking to others.

There are other ways to keep in touch with your date meanwhile.

Paula99 - 11 May, 2022 - 11:00AM

BHW764...and Sportster...

You are both correct in many ways but as we all know we are not clones and you could very chatting to 2 different people and the same 'tactic' ( I say that tongue in cheek) doesn't work

One guy I chatted to would just contact me at random times and I explained I work shifts then his message was 'what he was going to do to me'..🙄

He knew nothing about me or wanted to know..so I asked him if he would have a conversation...he blocked me..

You can't win either way but being mindful of others is a nice trait..

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