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When do you know……?

It is so difficult reading between the lines of text messages. Ladies, how do we guys know you are interested, or just being friendly? What vibes should we be looking out for, and what kind of responses strike a balance between being keen back but not disrespectful?

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Comments (229)

Pink Eiga - 11 May, 2022 - 10:09AM

If I read you correctly, that implies ghosting people until after I’ve gone on a meet. Surely that creates another kind of impression. Besides, typical questions are ‘how are you finding IE’, or ‘have you met anybody yet’? So I take it that people do want to know, even if they might not like the answer. I’ve often told new enquiries on first contact that I have something booked in, and if they wish to continue chatting, it’s fine, but for me, it just helps to manage each other’s expectations. We’ve all been played before, and I would never intentionally want to do that to anybody. 😊

1117169 - 11 May, 2022 - 09:15AM


Yes it can be a communication minefield, but if you already have a meet lined up, why not see how that goes first before talking to other men on here, or if you do talk to others to hedge your bet and are interested in meeting them why not pencil in a date after the first meeting? You dont have to tell them you already have a date lined up.

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Pink Eiga - 11 May, 2022 - 08:47AM

Tough one. Sometimes we need a little more time. Or perhaps already have another meet lined up and want to see how that goes first.

Personally, I am honest about my meets. Some men don’t seem to take well to that level of disclosure. And I am also upfront if I like someone. Strangely, some men seem to shy away from that too, if the woman is upfront with her feelings. So it’s not a bed of roses for us either.

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1117169 - 11 May, 2022 - 06:13AM

This is really not difficult at all. If the lady is interested she should say so. Men are not telepathic and they get pissed off trying to get meaningful replies. Passivity is the enemy of passion and life is too short for reticence.

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kinkyfrisky - 10 May, 2022 - 11:43PM

I find it's a very fine line between forming an articulate, friendly message, specifically to the person whose profile I've just read all of (yes, I'm the guy that actually reads them all the way to the bottom) and not wasting a ton of time and words when the recipient either doesn't read it, or reads and doesn't reply......so when I DO get a reply, it's hard to resist getting my hopes up and going to heavy on the messages.....then being seen as badgering, lol

Paula99 - 10 May, 2022 - 09:16PM

You do need to text each other...its important to communicate....you don't need to share your whole life ..just the basic stuff....you can't sustain your affair if you don't have some kind of partnership and understanding of your IEs commitments and vice versa.
Chat on the phone...if you can....
Some people don't work in the way I have described..you may have an IE that wants mininal contact...if you are happy with that then all good..😊

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Pink Eiga - 10 May, 2022 - 06:01PM

Let him know exactly that. ‘Regular texts would be nice!’
Be direct 😊

You’ll know if he is willing to make the effort then.

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1483184 - 10 May, 2022 - 05:38PM

May I pls , it’s a booty call sex for minimum effort from him , this in no way is you ! . It’s him

1510149 - 10 May, 2022 - 05:18PM

So if someone says to you meet occasionally and you do but they don't seems to want to txt much in between how in i nice way would you say. Sometimes a text would be nice.

1490598 - 10 May, 2022 - 10:32AM

Just ask her bluntly if she is interested or not and if so you would like to either meet socially or move on.

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