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Should I start something at work?

My colleague smiles at me a lot. We have an obvious attraction to each other. But, she's my colleague. She doesn't have a ring on her finger, which could mean she's single but it could mean she just doesn't wear a ring. My ring is tattooed on. Is this too close to home?

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Comments (205)

1490598 - 09 May, 2022 - 10:33AM

Depends on the person I guess. Mine meant we mutually split and I thought we were just friends like we were before then one day out of the blue she just stopped talking to me completely with no explanation.🤷🏽‍♂️

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Blueeyes34 - 09 May, 2022 - 09:34AM

The only way to find out is to make a move. He who hesitates is lost.

Our Day Will Come - 09 May, 2022 - 09:15AM

I used to meet most of my girlfriends at or through work. These days… you’d have to be very careful because an unwelcome comment could land you in a lot of trouble.

Best to stick to online, where just by being here someone is saying they’re open to being chatted up.

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1521008 - 09 May, 2022 - 09:10AM

You probably spend more time with you colleague than you do at home. I always found that if there is an attraction it will show up at a night out. This can be great but also trouble if your in a position of management. Best thing to do is talk to her. You will soon know if she’s into you.

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1117169 - 09 May, 2022 - 08:48AM

From personal experience women colleagues tend to give out subtle signs, and sometimes not so subtle, when they find a colleague attractive. They expect the man to pick up on them and respond in some form, though lots of men are not good at reading them. She may be just being friendly or flirtatious of course, and these days its a potential minefield in the workplace if the man acts on them.

Why don't you choose a discreet moment and tell her she has a lovely smile and ask her what makes her seem so happy. Nobody could take that the wrong way. She will either clam up with embarrassment or give you a stronger hint about what she has in mind with you, if anything.

You can then play it by ear but bear in mind that workplace affairs / romances can turn out very sour and damaging very quickly and other colleagues will pick up on it very quickly too. They can also turn into wonderful relationships but if one or both of you are married, and I assume you are, it will have major long term costs and consequences

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