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Inopportune encounters

I had the oddest IE experience at the weekend.

There I was in Chester Tesco, not where I normally hang out, and as I looked up from my Dairy Lea multipack I saw this rather attractive woman who I couldn't quite place. We looked across aisle 17 and both of us recognised something about the other. Of course, I eventually realised we'd spent some time getting to know one another on IE and by this time she'd gone.

It left me curious whether anyone else had bumped into an IE at an inopportune moment?


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Comments (87)

1509867 - 28 May, 2022 - 04:40PM

Did you hook up? It did it make it awkward? 😜

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Skype2u - 25 May, 2022 - 10:38PM

Definitely I do like to idea.. Supermarket.. Posh one's.. πŸ˜‰

Paula99 - 25 May, 2022 - 10:05PM

I am 5 ft 1...I have been asking guys to reach stuff from the upper shelves all my life...still doing it....😊

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1522948 - 25 May, 2022 - 09:27PM

Seriously though, if you are "looking" there are plenty of attractive people in supermarkets, are there behaviours that could signal I'm married and up for a shag? Could you ask a tall man to reach a tin? Could a man ask a woman which chocolate she would like to review as a gift as he is shopping for a friend. Must be a way to hint discreetly...

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1485934 - 25 May, 2022 - 08:18PM

Not me

Pink Eiga - 25 May, 2022 - 08:02PM

Everytime you hear the beep, you know it’s time for Supermarket Sweep!

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Delicious Chaos - 25 May, 2022 - 07:53PM

I think I need to spend more time in supermarkets, I might get lucky

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Paula99 - 25 May, 2022 - 02:59PM

Truth and logic...

You were lucky your affairs were both civilized as many are not...aka bunny boilers lol

There are numerous affairs going on at work and they know I know but they also know I am an adult and it's got nothing to do with me.


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truth and logic - 25 May, 2022 - 02:33PM

WTF.. why is meeting in this way hard? If you make eye contact just smile, you can know someone , by sight or through work or via friends, no one needs to know yo have been shagging or meeting to see if if you want to, grow ups should not have an issue. If yo use the same bus or the like and you know just pass the time of day and dont sit together simples. I have worked with both my affairs and we managed to keep it out of everyday life.

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1515202 - 25 May, 2022 - 02:17PM

Good thing about being in London is that one has lots of places to go hide!

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