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Autumn meets

Is anyone else enjoying the freedom of kids back to school and the chance to start arranging meets again? The frustration built up over the summer is about to explode :)

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Comments (148)

1552623 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 11:05PM

Guess only time will tell 🤷

Pink Eiga - 06 Oct, 2022 - 11:05PM

Marriedalone - 06 Oct, 2022 - 09:11PM

Lots of real people here. You just need to find them 😊

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Leeds52 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 10:46PM

I joined a few weeks ago. Last night I was talking to a colleague who years ago helped set up a dating site. Flooded it with bots and people paid to answer messages. I’ve looked at one or two conversations I’ve had recently and it’s got me wondering as some of the responses I’ve had have been v generic and slow to respond eg I’ve been cleaning the house this weekend.

ExoticOrchid - 06 Oct, 2022 - 10:15PM

Girl with a 🐈 tattoo - 08:25

That's a profile which has been deleted!

Sparkesmightfly - 06 Oct, 2022 - 09:56PM

So far @marriedalone it’s a fun and intriguing place.

1447655 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 09:36PM

Yes Marriedalone!!! 🤣

1549698 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 07:35PM

There's an awful lot of comments on this thread that don't seem to have anything to do with organising the school run or am I missing the point altogether?
For me, it's less a problem of kids being around as not living in or travelling to London every week as it's location that's the issue. The married ladies of London and the Home Counties are (it appears by seeing where everyone comes from) far more likely to have affairs or at least be present on IE, than the ladies of Merseyside and Cheshire, sadly!

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1447655 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 05:16PM

Distance takes nerve, or madness. The world conspires to make it perilous, unless you're there for work. If you enjoy feeling like you're in an Indiana Jones or Bond adventure, then in might be for you. Returning home late, hoping your cover story held, knowing you've been miles snd miles away from where you were supposed to be, it really is the 'extreme sport' of this life.

Think very carefully before cultivating a connection that's further away than convienient. Logistics are difficult and the potential for things to go wrong, unthinkable. And if you're just after a happy bonk there will almost certainly be the an opportunity nearer if you wait. Which means, if you're going that far for someone they mean a lot more. But occasionally there might be a connection that is so compelling and so electric, that you'll do it. But you have to accept you probably won't be able to make it happen often. Then youre choosing between regular shags, or occasional exquisite ecstacy.

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1529050 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 04:06PM

secretflirt68 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 02:17PM

I do agree with you, London and/or other larger cities do make things easier. For me it is easier to find gentlemen who say live in the suburbs or home counties but maybe commute into town for work (not as easy as pre- Covid). I have also met those who live in London but not anywhere near my area.

Big Cities are easy to get dayuse hotels - and so many choices.

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secretflirt68 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 02:17PM

Secretsquirrel999 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 12:53PM

I think it depends. The problem is, many people say they can travel, but the practicalities of life often mean they can't travel as much as their IE would like. That or they say they can travel until they've got their leg over, and then suddenly decide they can't. So it puts people on their guard. The scene around London gets a lot easier, as so many people travel to and from London for work, and can therefore work around things easier. Outside of the London commute, I would expect it to be difficult if the travel is a major thing. Also remember that an intimate meeting involves finding somewhere to meet, so unless you're like blueboy and can persuade ladies into a van, you're going to find opportunities a bit more difficult to come by. Just my opinion...

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