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Autumn meets

Is anyone else enjoying the freedom of kids back to school and the chance to start arranging meets again? The frustration built up over the summer is about to explode :)

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Comments (148)

Secretsquirrel999 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 12:53PM

Is living at a distance really a problem as my address seems to restrict attention although I’m willing to travel often

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WarmBodyxx - 26 Sep, 2022 - 12:29AM

Anybody else not able to sleep…?

secretflirt68 - 25 Sep, 2022 - 04:35PM

Fidges1 - 25 Sep, 2022 - 04:17PM

You don’t, basically.

1503440 - 25 Sep, 2022 - 04:17PM

How do guys chat to ladies if not a full member ?

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Mistee - 25 Sep, 2022 - 12:05AM

Yes for sure

1542317 - 20 Sep, 2022 - 09:31PM


Nothing against the forum or its members

My point was to Bobb, that I don’t care that I’m not impressing any ladies on the forum, as I say it’s only a few of you active regular and I couldn’t careless what anyone thinks anyway

That is not a pop at any of you either before I get jumped on

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FluffyClouds - 20 Sep, 2022 - 08:36PM

Blueboy -

Its just a forum to chat, so what?

Bobb20 - 20 Sep, 2022 - 08:13PM

Blue boy

You may think I am playing a card on a couple of these topics; but I’m actually not.

I’m just different to the likes of both yourself and Conradd.

Personally, I don’t see either of you as ‘competition’, for the likelihood is that we would each appeal to a very different target market, hence the reason I have no desire for male ‘in-fighting’ or belittling each other.

I am being as honest in my views as you are. In this scenario, for instance, I really don’t give a flying toot if women get more messages - and they get free membership. It was my decision to sign up and will be my decision to leave if I’m not happy with the site or my interaction here.

Make no mistake, I am no wall flower, I will have to feel that IE is providing value to me.

I can understand your frustration, but the milk is split, so my view is I don’t cry, I simply mop it up and make the most of it.

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1542317 - 20 Sep, 2022 - 08:01PM

I don’t impress anyone with good eyesight let alone bad 😂

And no fks are given either way

Paula99 - 20 Sep, 2022 - 07:35PM


If the world was blind ....who would you impress..😎?

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