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Autumn meets

Is anyone else enjoying the freedom of kids back to school and the chance to start arranging meets again? The frustration built up over the summer is about to explode :)

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Comments (148)

Fuzzylogic - 19 Sep, 2022 - 08:20PM

Really excited about this but just plucking up the courage to give this a go. But not convinced it will work based on some of the comments about men not getting anywhere. Should I give it a go?

Paula99 - 19 Sep, 2022 - 06:29PM


My name is Paula...but talking about animals you remind me of a character from.a famous book by Goorge Orwell...(not 1984) and yes I have read both but I don't think you have the intelligence to read....

Napoleon always blames Snowball when anything goes wrong...

You protest about how difficult it is for guys but you don't have anything of substance/serious opinion....you just quote from other websites..πŸ€”

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Sparkesmightfly - 19 Sep, 2022 - 05:56PM

It’s utterly frustrating to not find someone local though! I would like a guy who can meet up without too much hassle and not feel like a hussy for wanting that connection x

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1542317 - 19 Sep, 2022 - 01:56PM


Just so triggered by what I want from this place

It’s great how it bothers you so much

Rs00oo - 19 Sep, 2022 - 12:22PM


1548913 - 19 Sep, 2022 - 12:20PM

I’m new on here but this sums up exactly how I feel (apart from arranging more meet ups as haven’t done that yet! )

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Icarus-1 - 19 Sep, 2022 - 12:20PM

Still looking for that elusive match

Breakfastinbed - 14 Sep, 2022 - 12:24PM

Kids, jobs, finding a match, free time, geography all go to making it sometimes difficult. Perseverance and patience are required. Keep looking, keep trying. The right person may be the next person

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Paula99 - 11 Sep, 2022 - 08:50PM


If you copy B1981 stratagy ....you will end up with a load of one night stands...probably 9/10s....but you won't keep a long term lover ...but who cares because he thinks that's how it works..good luck..😊😊😊😊

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Bukowski69 - 11 Sep, 2022 - 07:06PM

Still awaiting my first date whether a coffee, dinner or ridiculously good sex.

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