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A lot of comments on the forum from men state that women are looking for men over a certain height. It would be interesting to hear what height the husband's, partners and ex partners are of the females on here are/were for comparison and for clarity, if they can be totally honest?

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Comments (183)

Marlen - 22 Dec, 2022 - 08:35PM

IYM, thanks and noted.To be fair, most ladies idea of tall, is 5'10"+, even for cute sized ladies in the 5' range....I know, because I've asked over the years, across all age ranges. I guess its human nature. Ladies who don't want 5'10"+ as partners, IEs are in the minority in my experience.

1529050 - 22 Dec, 2022 - 07:41PM

Marlen - 22 Dec, 2022 - 06:43PM

5’8” is tall to me 😂

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Delicious Chaos - 22 Dec, 2022 - 07:17PM

Marlen, come on people lie on here all the time.
The worst one is out dated photos or photos of when they were slim but are now not. If a man is going to lie a little about his height that’s not really the worse thing he can do

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Paula99 - 22 Dec, 2022 - 06:55PM


I think it’s a confidence thing for women as well so don’t worry about it ..it takes a lot of nerve to admit that and you will get the under 5 ft ladies … lucky you small things come in great packages 😊

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Marlen - 22 Dec, 2022 - 06:49PM

Now I know where I'm going wrong....honesty is not the right policy. Why on earth lie on a profile, especially about bio info? You must be delusional if you lie about your height and expect your date to forgive and engage. Based on that view, the ladies here probably think I must be seriously vertically challenged......

Marlen - 22 Dec, 2022 - 06:43PM

Based on the female profiles on IE height is a real thing for women. I'm 5'8", barefoot. My partners have been my height or less with one exception who was 5'10". It seems like a hardwired requirement for women. Understandable from a reproductive perspective, but here? They don't know what they're missing. Tall doesn't guarantee protection or 'skills'...

KTxx61 - 22 Dec, 2022 - 06:17PM

I'm a guy who is only 5' 2". I would not feel comfortable with a partner that was a lot taller than me. I think it's a confidence thing on my part.

HoneyLipLover - 22 Dec, 2022 - 05:58PM

It is totally natural for men to be looking (or hoping) for younger women. It is ok for some women to desire younger men. In my mind's eye, I see these women getting the banging from a young feller they have sought. What is even more natural is women want men taller than themselves as their lovers. I as a man have the natural view of ladies not being taller than me. However, when it comes to IE partners that sort of picky attitude can go out of the window. This is not a life partner choice. Yes, I know we would like the chemistry as well and that is why we put in preferred looks, height, weight, hair colour etc.

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J1on1d - 22 Dec, 2022 - 05:40PM

@Exotic Orchid

Understand your point - I guess on a site like this you are just going to either accept at face value or never believe anyone! :)

Unfulfilled80s - 22 Dec, 2022 - 05:30PM

It’s an aesthetic attribute that both men and women gauge attractiveness on no? No different to women preferring men with or without beards or men preferring blondes or brunettes.

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