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Which chats do you prefer?

Do you prefer chats which are short and banter- like in nature, deep descriptive and intellectual, purely sexual or general boring chit chat about their boring day?

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Comments (99)

1686467 - 30 Jul, 2024 - 02:48PM

@Alphacenturi I'm relatively new here too and can relate to what you're saying there..
You have to play the patient game when it comes to connecting with folks on here.
At the core of this process, it will be your profile that gets you through the first door, but there's still plenty of work to do thereafter.

Often you have to wait for the ladies to come to you, as a lot of guys are impatient, thus resorting to spamming many of the poor girls inboxes.. When you do get that message, make sure you do your homework on their profile before replying.. Always helps that!

jc1551756 - 30 Jul, 2024 - 02:24PM

I like a bit of flirty banter at the start but then I agree with other comments about letting the conversation flow. It’s a good way to form a connection… or not!

FluffyClouds - 30 Jul, 2024 - 01:21PM

Definitely a combination. If it's all one way, only sexy chat, only intellectual, only day to day it becomes tedious for me. Only sex chat before you've even met isn't for me. Particularly the ones who just launch into it straight away...without even a pw swap. That's a definite 'bye' from me.

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Kiss_The_Cook - 30 Jul, 2024 - 12:48PM

I prefer a combination of all these, it’s a sign of a good connection. When conversation just flows you can just feel you will both get on well together.

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1688175 - 30 Jul, 2024 - 11:53AM

deep and descriptive rather than deceptive and deranged...

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1689233 - 30 Jul, 2024 - 09:48AM

@enigma, the only Scottish accent I find somewhat unintelligible is a heavy working class Glaswegian accent, especially if the speaker is missing a tooth or two.

Aside from that I can understand the accent no issue but the again I have familial connections to Scotland.

1690543 - 29 Jul, 2024 - 10:12PM

Tbf I would just like to get a reply regardless of what type. I'm new here and I suspect the reason I'm not getting replies to my short introductory emails is because the ladies have already met someone or have their own groups

Funguy77 - 29 Jul, 2024 - 08:14PM

I’m still looking for my miss money penny

1689233 - 29 Jul, 2024 - 03:13PM

A good connection will include all of the above, sometimes in one day. Ultimately regardless of the nature of the conversation it has to be a two way affair.

A massive red flag is when someone makes no effort to ask about you, the ones who want the convo all about them, their day, their emotions and needs.... I'm quick to spot them in the early stages these days.

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Enigma.. - 29 Jul, 2024 - 09:02AM


Yes the Scottish accent can be difficult to understand at times.

I’m Scottish but I’m easily understood because I worked in the airline business.
When you have to speak to people from all over the world you learn to slow down and slightly anglicise your voice.

Where I come from I’m considered posh because of the way I speak lol.

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