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Which chats do you prefer?

Do you prefer chats which are short and banter- like in nature, deep descriptive and intellectual, purely sexual or general boring chit chat about their boring day?

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Comments (99)

1408586 - 29 Jul, 2024 - 08:43AM

I think Scottish accent is lush Enigma- maybe that’s why you’ve been lucky 🍀

I had a similar experience with a Scottish FB. I think I had to get him to repeat most things he said 🙈. Luckily we never spent much time talking 😇😂

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Enigma.. - 29 Jul, 2024 - 08:11AM

I guess, looks and vocals wise, I’ve been luckier than some.

I was messaging with a male two years ago and he told me he was English.
Not a problem.
We moved the chat onto Telegram and made arrangements to meet up.
I didn’t get the chance to speak to him before the date.
The date was a disaster because I couldn’t understand his thick accent and I can understand most accents.
I lost count of the times where I said… sorry could you repeat that, could you slow down please etc..
After about 25 mins he stood up and said “are you ripping the p1ss?”.
He then walked out before I could reply.
Moral of the story…
Have at least one telephone conversation before arranging to meet up 🫤😉.

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1623782 - 28 Jul, 2024 - 07:37PM

I’d love any type of chat 😂

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1687814 - 28 Jul, 2024 - 07:01PM

Actions speak louder than words, I guess.🤷‍♂️

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1408586 - 28 Jul, 2024 - 06:38PM

I totally agree with that EO!

I’ve never found a guy I find physical AND vocally attractive at the same time! Wonder why

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ExoticOrchid - 28 Jul, 2024 - 06:22PM

In my experience, the ones with great voice are disappointing in person and vice versa! Go figure! 🤷

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Pink Eiga - 28 Jul, 2024 - 05:56PM

Enigma.. - 28 Jul, 2024 - 07:45AM

I was thinking about David Beckham just as I read your final sentence 😎

It is not what they say, but how they say it …… palpitations and flutters down south when an attractive voice hits the spot, when you know they want you as much as you want them 🥵

1686467 - 28 Jul, 2024 - 10:59AM

Its a fine line here... and one that can go either way..

I'll give you guys an example.. and this maybe a common theme amongst many here!

I had the most wonderful first week of conversing with a lady. So much fun, flirting and laughter, mostly via txt chat, but I also like to throw in the odd voice note and video recording now and then. As we moved into week 2.. I started to sense fragility and vulnerability with her as she started to frequently reference being hurt by her prior affair engagement. It all came to head when she asked me about my most recent engagement and requested I disclose if she was prettier than her. These lines of enquiry never end well I'm afraid.. :(

This raised red flags with me and regrettably I had to make the painful decision to let her go. We were literally within days of meeting too..

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1408586 - 28 Jul, 2024 - 08:43AM

I actually think I can be sexually attracted to some voices #odd 😂

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Enigma.. - 28 Jul, 2024 - 07:45AM

@Pink Eiga @Paula99

I have this huge thing about voices.
It’s practically a deal breaker.
Unfortunately there are not many men that sound like Morgan Freeman.
Thank goodness there are not many men that sound like Joe Pasquale lol.
David Beckman is very attractive until he opens his mouth 😂🤫🙄🤷🏼‍♀️.

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