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Which chats do you prefer?

Do you prefer chats which are short and banter- like in nature, deep descriptive and intellectual, purely sexual or general boring chit chat about their boring day?

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Comments (99)

1598742 - 12 May, 2023 - 04:29PM

I do like more detailed chats - it's a good opportunity to test the temperature of the water before diving in.

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1598020 - 12 May, 2023 - 12:16PM

Firstly, just like to say these forums are very interesting! So many great points of view and I’m growing as a person just reading them (no pun intended).

I do just find it hard to keep the cheeky chat going back and forth. I’ve always been used to dum dum duuuurrrrrm just talking to people. Im keeping notes though so hopefully I’ll be a whip crack a way wit, banter, and cheeky chat chappie in no time

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1598765 - 12 May, 2023 - 12:02PM

I'm very new to this site. Joined this week, already deleted and restarted account - mainly because I am not sure I could have an affair with a married man. However the chat on here is far better than the three words + 5 emojis that you get on a standard dating site.
I don't want war and peace, but I do want to think they are interesting and interested in me. For that, you need a few sentences at least.

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idealies - 12 May, 2023 - 11:32AM

I think the best messages come from the heart , passion and thoughtfulness. If they don't have that it feels one way or flat.

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1408586 - 12 May, 2023 - 11:13AM

They are not wanting to move the chat on… it is obvious and effortless when both want to chat ☺️

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boav91 - 12 May, 2023 - 07:29AM

One of the biggest problem I find, is you get one line or a just a few word replies, now I suspect the people on here may give more articulated responses but it is really hard to progress a conversation with a few words. You would not do that if you were talking in person . One of the things that makes text chats so hard . Answering with a yes or a no really does not help a conversation move on. It can work both ways

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Fluffy Sunshine - 12 May, 2023 - 06:51AM

I prefer shorter messages to start with, not a long copy & paste chat. Just some general chit chat and humour. Then you can establish if it’s worth pursuing further.

ENM-Enabled - 11 May, 2023 - 06:09PM

So how ARE we all finding the site? I'm with Paula, if someone is writing you a long lucious tale fill of salacious sauciness, you can be sure its sad dreams and also be sure its cut and paste. As almost all chats and messages are doomed to fail, it's the mosr sensible approach. Once you do get a response though... tickle awsy!

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Old Sapper - 11 May, 2023 - 05:01PM

To begin with, general topics about someone's background, non-sexual likes and dislikes, i.e. type of music, what events they enjoy and what they do in their leisure.
Then once we get accustomed to each other, swap a bit about our backgrounds, education, part of the country they originate from, what sort of careers they've had.

It's nice when responses from them to be similar in length to my messages. Typing out 40odd words only to get half a dozen in return is a bit of an interest killer.

Pink Eiga - 11 May, 2023 - 03:39PM

Paula99 - 11 May, 2023 - 03:14PM
I think so many assume that 'Sexting' means a Sidney Sheldon account of an intimate scene. It really isn't. All it shows is a lack of imagination in the bedroom.

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