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Physical attraction is important in securing a meet. How soon would you exchange passwords, and what do you find attractive in a person’s facial features?

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Comments (80)

nearLondon - 03 Jul, 2023 - 05:19PM

Physical attraction is required for males i think as it will give them kick but I think main thing in the flings is the risk , adventurous and wildness....

1608792 - 03 Jul, 2023 - 04:46PM

Hello Hello, just putting myself about, having just joined. I like a surprise so lets not exchange photos and then be overjoyed or shocked at a meet and either way, have a drink, a laugh, and put whatever down to experience. Like the old days before phones and social media. Took all the fun out of it.

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stillrockin - 03 Jul, 2023 - 04:28PM

I'm not too bothered about looks because I'm not exactly film star looking myself, but I do like to put a face to the name. It sort of brings the person to life. So for me, it's sooner rather than later.

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Toffee.macchiato4 - 03 Jul, 2023 - 04:22PM

Hmm tricky one this. Perhaps in hope not to appear vain one might opt for saying no, physical attraction isn’t important.
However saying as honestly as I can, physical and mental attraction are important in equal measure. My idea of an attractive physicality though is subjective to me.
In light of this I would rather exchange pics early on. I feel this a sign of respect. if I tell a chap chemistry is unlikely before we start sharing our hopes and dreams, then I waste neither his nor my time.
As we know time really is precious in this and my objective is to be respectful to everyone irrespective of possible attraction or not. 🤞🤞
That’s my thought for the day perhaps week 😁

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Pink Eiga - 03 Jul, 2023 - 04:20PM

Paula99 - 03 Jul, 2023 - 04:14PM

Good looking is subjective. As long as we are good looking to each other is what matters 😊

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Ken46riderr - 03 Jul, 2023 - 04:20PM

I tend to suggest 'password exchange if you're comfortable' fairly early in the conversation (not immediately).
For me that's something that opens up the option for the other person. In case they are unsure when to ask.
The other thing as well is, I've had some really good conversations right until pics are exchanged followed by a 'not my type' closing comment from the other side. I'd rather not have those at all as it's time and effort spent by both sides.
At the end of the day, it's still a lot about physical attraction here on IE in my opinion.

Paula99 - 03 Jul, 2023 - 04:14PM

I don’t go for the good looking guys because they have never ran after a woman in their lives so why change a habit of a lifetime..

They are consumed by their own self desires and rarely make an effort because they regard women like buses ..there will be another one along in a minute…

It’s quite sad really that they end up with a lot of ONS😕

Before you guys lunch me there are exceptions to the rule and yes it applies to the female sex 😬

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1604745 - 03 Jul, 2023 - 04:11PM

Required but in this age of filters, photoshop, lighting and angles i remain reserved until in person.

On facial attraction an attractive smile is the siren's song to me, beyond this I like natural unique features kissable dimples, hypnotising freckles, or even cute snub nose etc.

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MatureWorcsBBW - 03 Jul, 2023 - 02:52PM

I genuinely tend to go for what would be termed unattractive men.

I've never ever been someone who fancied joining a queue for all the good looking boys.

So my reply is very little attracts me in a person's facial features.
I exchange passwords only when I feel a connection and level of interest in what he's said, and how he's said it.

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A.Friend - 03 Jul, 2023 - 12:45PM

Is physical attraction more important in an affair that personality/reliability/being a friend?

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