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Does travelling long distances enhance/suppress an affair?

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Comments (175)

Legs&Eyes - 26 Aug, 2023 - 01:02PM

Funguy77 - 26 Aug, 2023 - 08:02AM

NO!!!!!!!! Awww FunGuy..... can I ask - had you met her in person before though? This wasnt the first actual meet was it, just the first hotel meet?

As for taking flight - well, a bit like some of the guys I've experienced here - they don't really think through why they are on here! And the meeting in person, being seen, going through with it - it all becomes a reality when they are in front of you...
But if you'd met her before in person then its bad she's done that in that way.... You'd like to believe she'd get the nervous itch before setting off - and before she left home (so she didnt mess you around).....

Back to the drawing board Funguy!!!....

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1616878 - 26 Aug, 2023 - 11:09AM

Sometimes it can suppress … but being not to far away sometimes can be a little scary.. so it’s finding someone who is very understanding and fun …then the travelling to me wouldn’t matter x

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Onekissmore - 26 Aug, 2023 - 11:07AM

Up to A two hour travel time is acceptable. It means meeting has to be planned , anticipated and the carelessness of just popping around to see each other is taken away.

Funguy77 - 26 Aug, 2023 - 10:52AM


Iv already lined up a first meet with a lovely lady for the 7th 👍

Upwards and onwards right..is any man from says on here that there’s no action in Scotland there talking out there arse 😜

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Funguy77 - 26 Aug, 2023 - 10:31AM

@ Enigma.. - 26 Aug, 2023 - 09:30AM

It’s all good I would rather she done a runner before hand than get to the room then freak out or totally regret doing something and having to live with the guilt.

But ultimately I think in hindsight more time and chat would have been better .

Anyway it’s a talking point x

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Enigma.. - 26 Aug, 2023 - 09:30AM

Morning people’s of Flirt Forum…

Planes, Trains and Automobiles…. What can I say 🙄.

@Hedone… One of the first questions I now ask, saves wasting both our times is… How often can you meet? And when are you most available?
Daytime, evening’s or other times? 🤔.

Unfortunately, through this forum , I’ve read a lot of the same. Males/females taking flight. Bad behaviours etc…
I know how I feel about “Certain Situations”… 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️

No further comment

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Paula99 - 26 Aug, 2023 - 08:58AM

Dotty Green …

I agree totally..if you are not supposed to be in a certain place and you can’t get home …it does put a strain on your affair and it becomes a drama you don’t need …

I do know that there are some ladies/gents that have had and are still in long term distance relationships and are making it work but it does take a ‘ double ‘ effort..

Distance affair isn’t for everyone but it can be done ..😉

Funguy77 - 26 Aug, 2023 - 08:02AM

@ Legs&Eyes - 25 Aug, 2023 - 08:57PM

Wow where to start . Yes your right I had a first hotel meet on Thursday. Everything was going well we met at the station and decided to go for a drink you know Dutch courage. Has a wee chat about mundane stuff then decides to go to our room ….

Got to the hotel we checked in paid the bill “DayUse” we then proceeded to walk to the elevator………..Boom she then started to freak out panic attack I can’t do this she was saying then bolted out like the road runner

I was totally gob smacked speechless in front of about 10 or so guests left holding the bag 😂🤣😂 I tryed to text her that night but she’s deleted her account

Man I have never had that happen before all I could do was laugh in the lobby and I coyser a couple of guests pissing themselves

So to top it off .. it gets better my f@@ing car broke down on the way home so I had the added joy of that and explaining where I was and why I was so late

Man Thursdays are a bitch right n

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Legs&Eyes - 25 Aug, 2023 - 08:57PM


Am I imagining it or were you having a first meet yesterday??.... If so, how did it go, have you any deets to share?... lol

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1529050 - 25 Aug, 2023 - 02:18PM

Enigma and Hedone,

I agree, but again (and I hate to keep saying it), it seems much easier to do this in London. I don't drive to meets, meet in town, half an hour max....

I would be too worried doing something further afield, imagine having to explain why your car broke down, or trains cancelled and you are stuck somewhere miles from where you should be..............

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