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Distance & Meets

Does travelling long distances enhance/suppress an affair?

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Comments (175)

Delicious Chaos - 25 Aug, 2023 - 01:03PM

Completely agree, those that want to dispute it, well I guess they will learn the hard way.

I work long hours, I do not want to spend my affair time commuting, even if he’s Michael Morrone ;-) it won’t work.

It’s the ones that say at the start distance isn’t an issue then it becomes an issue when they’ve been stuck on the m25 for 2 hours plus!

I establish two things before I decide to continue a chat, distance and whether they are a day or evening meeter

Enigma.. - 24 Aug, 2023 - 05:53PM

Distance does not work “affair wise”.
Trust me….

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1614977 - 24 Aug, 2023 - 05:48PM

Anything 50 miles plus it’s probably unlikely to work.

Funguy77 - 24 Aug, 2023 - 05:34PM

Don’t think I have the heart to write down my day 😩😩😩😩😩😩

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1408586 - 24 Aug, 2023 - 05:09PM

That’s hilarious Legs&Eyes! I only do local affairs. Never experienced anything like that though!!

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Legs&Eyes - 24 Aug, 2023 - 03:20PM

Aramis8191 - 16 Aug, 2023 - 09:33PM

I had a first meet with a chap from here about 3 months ago. He was a first timer, and I was his very first meet. We met 30 miles from his home, at a hotel bar he approved of in terms of location.
It was the most unpleasant 75 mins of my life - he was paranoid, jumpy, didn’t maintain eye contact, speaking aloud about ‘what if son sees me here, what if daughter walks in….’ As we left, he walked 3 feet in front of me, no physical contact (my profile expresses how tactile I am) - and shook my hand in the doorway?!?

He followed with a message an hour later to tell me he couldn’t wait to get me alone in a bedroom?!?! 😱

Not. F**king. Likely.

As a result, I won’t now meet any first timer. Or, someone who appears doubtful about been seen.

Everyone on this site is doubtful about being seen!!

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Paula99 - 24 Aug, 2023 - 02:28PM


Do you really think that having an affair is a path you feel you can undertake ?

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boav91 - 23 Aug, 2023 - 10:10AM

It worked both ways for me. The person I did meet, before they went back to the US, and 3000 miles of water is a little far even for me, we arranged to meet in the middle and it worked ok ( she was about 100 miles away). Things had to be planned though. It was fun and the anticipation enhanced the meet. I am with beechmore on that. The day leading up to the meet and the drive there, got nothing done at all but so much fun. Having said that I do hope to meet someone closer this time if I am lucky enough

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jane696935 - 17 Aug, 2023 - 01:33PM

Suppress , driving so tiring

beechmore11 - 16 Aug, 2023 - 11:51PM

i think that being further away would make it hard but also the journey to that person would be so sexy as you'd have time to contemplate what was about to happen (hopefully!)

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