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‘Ask me anything’

Is something I get regularly, particularly when a conversation may be coming to a natural end. What are the worst questions that you have been asked, and what aspects of yourself apart from the same old, do you wish that people took time to find out?

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Comments (94)

1408586 - 30 Jul, 2023 - 11:24AM

Exactly classylady77 it’s an instant ‘we are not compatible’ thanks for letting me know early question 🙏😂

I can’t imagine wanting to discuss that with a stranger. Only someone I’ve met in person and know that I actually want to sleep with!

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1408586 - 30 Jul, 2023 - 11:22AM

I’m all up for an IE Scotland meet up funguy77. Love some of the Scottish accents guys have. If only I travelled 😭

ClassyLady77 - 30 Jul, 2023 - 10:49AM

What makes me laugh is men asking first few questions is what are you into… 🤦‍♀️

Would you ask someone you just met at a bar that question? 🤦‍♀️ same rules apply online as real life..

I’ve decided I’m not here for men’s benefit/needs, I’m here for mine.. 😉

Funny how lots of men have wives with 0 sex drive or medical conditions.. not many women have Same issue.. 😂 🤦‍♀️

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Toffee.macchiato4 - 29 Jul, 2023 - 06:17PM


Hahahaha good one 😂
Shit probably shouldn’t have given that away
Lesson learned
Thanks 😊

Paula99 - 29 Jul, 2023 - 05:09PM

We could do one in the midlands …plenty of nice places in Bradford …I certainly wouldn’t know anyone 😂

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Pink Eiga - 29 Jul, 2023 - 04:42PM

Funguy77 - 29 Jul, 2023 - 04:38PM

Are you volunteering to organise one?
We can’t all go to Scotland now 😉

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Funguy77 - 29 Jul, 2023 - 04:38PM


Lol then the conversation would be hot . Still I think it would have the makings of a night to remember 😂

1408586 - 29 Jul, 2023 - 03:02PM

It’s a great filtering question. Let them keep asking it 😉

Enigma.. - 29 Jul, 2023 - 12:17PM



Let’s wait till they work that one out…

(Looks at her watch)

I’d give it a couple a couple more months (hopefully) 😉😂😏.

Anyone else watching Good Omens 2?!?

Toffee.macchiato4 - 29 Jul, 2023 - 09:42AM

I honestly dont mind the mundane initial questions
What do you do? Have you had an affair before etc
Necessary in establishing a common base of some sort I suppose l.
It’s the what’s your favourite position question that makes me howl with laughter. 😂 Perhaps gentlemen should worry more about developing the camaraderie and conditions that could lead to the bedroom and less about being in the bedroom. 🤔
That all sorts itself out when the conditions are right, well in my humble opinion.

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