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‘Ask me anything’

Is something I get regularly, particularly when a conversation may be coming to a natural end. What are the worst questions that you have been asked, and what aspects of yourself apart from the same old, do you wish that people took time to find out?

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Comments (94)

Pink Eiga - 28 Jul, 2023 - 09:44PM

Funguy77 - 28 Jul, 2023 - 08:34PM

Awks if you bump into someone you know 😜

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Funguy77 - 28 Jul, 2023 - 08:34PM

You know I wish there was a site meet up . Everyone who was up for it in one location with no were to hide . I love an awkward moment lol it would be speed dating on steroids 😂

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1604745 - 28 Jul, 2023 - 07:10PM

Crude brainless questions about sex aside, the worst question is probably the typical fishing red flags, such as "can i see your picture?" within the initial message... no... you can't... there is a reason it is private.

This stems from a couple of things actually... first, my fear that you may know me (especially if you are from the same city). Second, i was provided a ladies photo initially as bait then when i shared mine she wanted to connect and chat. We got about 4 messages in before she admitted she used someone elses picture to get me to share mine. She then shared her true image and whilst she was actually quite pretty, i dont date psychos.

Aspects of myself? My life and journey in general is quite a story and most tend not to believe some of the stories until i show proof. However, i am not sure if i would share such stories until i knew the person well.

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Pink Eiga - 28 Jul, 2023 - 05:07PM

Q&A sessions are a definite conversation stopper for me too

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1529050 - 28 Jul, 2023 - 10:07AM

EO and Enigma - I hate those .......................

Enigma.. - 28 Jul, 2023 - 08:19AM


I’m not a fan either.

Most Q&A sessions, to me, often seem like job interviews 🙄.

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Enigma.. - 28 Jul, 2023 - 08:16AM


Most men on here will be very disappointed then 😂😉

ExoticOrchid - 27 Jul, 2023 - 11:11PM

Not a fan of Q&A sessions ... prefer to chat and discover.

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1447655 - 27 Jul, 2023 - 03:59PM

Doubleoseven - blimey, I doubt you'd be here if Vespa was what you woke up with every day 😉 Most of the men on here are looking for Eva Green!

Doubleohseven - 27 Jul, 2023 - 01:39PM

One question which caught me completely by surprises was:
"Is it you and your wife in your picture? She's pretty" [look at my avatar's picture. And yes, it was a serious question. You don't know whether to laugh or despair]

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