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What is this elusive 'connection' everyone is looking for? Someone I chatted to, just on messages, seemed to believe we had a 'connection' because we were messaging! Connection for me is something only found in its real sense on meeting.

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Comments (68)

ExoticOrchid - 07 Nov, 2023 - 11:23AM

Davidingles - 11:10AM

Can I just point out that a hidden profile doesn't always mean your general assumption which is tarring everyone with a broad brush ... for me, it stops random messages from the scatter gunners on the site and only those who take the time to read one's profile make contact.

I couldn't give a monkey's who knows whether I'm logged on or not. In fact I comment here regularly so I'm hardly "hiding" in the sense you are implying.

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1326897 - 07 Nov, 2023 - 11:10AM


In the area of my search on average 40% of women have hidden profiles. I reckon they believe that anyone they are chatting with will assume they are not online, which is not the case. Hidden profiles still come up in any last log in search, thus defeating the object of hiding them. I don't think you should assume they have found someone, but rather they are playing the field without that someone knowing.

1296520 - 02 Nov, 2023 - 10:13AM

Sense of humour, mutual respect, that chemistry of physical attraction, the desire to see each other, shared values & probably in a similar situation to yourself (relationship wise)

1447655 - 31 Oct, 2023 - 10:32AM

A lot of people when they say 'connection' mean physical attraction. Which is not necesarily the same thing as a sexual connection. Shared interests and lifestyle can be a connection, although that's friendship, surely, without either physical attraction or sexual connection?

Neither of those are 'it'. It's where even though they are an unknown, there is something strangley familiar there, like an echo of something you knew and forgot. It's where you might be from completely different backgrounds but there is a mirroring of what's inside. Your keys and locks turn on each other and the mechanism turns around...and there's the 'click', right there. (And it's not always a good/positive thing either, its hard to find and hard to walk away from, but it can be explosive sexually.)

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Enigma.. - 29 Oct, 2023 - 05:39PM

I didn’t have an instant connection with my second Ie but we were both interested enough to meet up again for a second date.
We were more relaxed second time around and that’s when we started to really connect.
Unfortunately a lot of males on this site are so dismissive.
Everyone has to realise that there might not be an instant connection but given time…
Just saying 😉😊💋

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Enigma.. - 29 Oct, 2023 - 11:06AM

@R Deckard

I totally agree.

Ps I’m Scottish 😉💋

R Deckard - 28 Oct, 2023 - 08:35PM

A genuine connection is like the Loch Ness monster.
Much talked about, rarely seen.
It doesn't stop the hordes from looking for it.

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1630653 - 28 Oct, 2023 - 05:54PM

A connection is simply that, an alignment of aspirations, backgrounds, and beliefs. The problem is people think it’s permanent, whilst it’s always in flux. People change, the bonds between two individuals strengthen and weaken throughout life as situations change. A lifelong connection is the rarest of things, but everybody seems to want to believe it’s the norm. Perhaps these short term intense connections are the more genuine article, though whether that can be achieved via messaging is doubtful.

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1631693 - 28 Oct, 2023 - 04:26PM

It doesn’t mean anything. You hit it off or just get on, ‘connecting’ and ‘we get each other’ , nah. Enjoy why you have as long as you have it.

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Son Of Loki - 28 Oct, 2023 - 10:14AM

During my life I have had 3 very strong connections, it’s effortless, heady and the summit of experience.
With all three, arguments were a feature, , but this introduces a sense of jeopardy that enhanced the intimacy and put it on steroids .
I know what to look for but not sure if she exists on an app, time will tell..

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