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How much is too much?

Does anyone else find it drags you down when you are chatting to someone, it's going well, and then they commence to dump their emotional baggage onto you? Complaining about their life choices, their wife/husband, their problems at home, why their partner isn't giving them sex, their kids, their relatives? Particularly when you've not even met? Turn off?

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Comments (67)

Paula99 - 20 Feb, 2024 - 06:02PM

Most people come with some sort of ‘baggage’ …the older we get the more emotionally mature we are to deal with it…

The nature of this question suggests to me that IE is not the right place at the moment…off loading all of your issues should be organised with the right support..the people on here have all different reasons for joining this platform but for the most it’s a sense of escape and to experience the elements that are absent from your partnership..
We all have a lot going on in our lives and we don’t really want to add the ‘extra drama’…I appreciate that we do need someone to talk to but IE isn’t the place ..sadly

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FluffyClouds - 20 Feb, 2024 - 04:48PM

Sort your 'head' out and your 'baggage' out before you come onto IE. Whilst it could be seen as 'connection' unloading all your problems onto your IE or someone you are just chatting to, it's also treating them like some kind of therapist/psychiatrist. Maybe they should be your first port of call before registering here. 🤷

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1645560 - 20 Feb, 2024 - 03:43PM

Not really tbh... I find people interesting and it provides plenty of hooks to make easy conversation. Some women on the other hand are so guarded its like getting blood from a stone or they just don't bother asking questions back which bores me to tears very quickly.

That said I want to craft a fun and happy secret space, so like most things, its a balance!

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marklondonengland - 20 Feb, 2024 - 12:21PM

On of the most basic rules with an IE (or lover or FWB or whatever you call it) is that you should be focusing this time on the fun things... the romance, passion, great sex and kisses - all the things you are missing from your regular day-to-day life. If you just want a new partner so you can complain about the current one then maybe a therapist is more appropriate than a lover... move on from anyone that thinks complaining about their partner is normal!

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1644733 - 20 Feb, 2024 - 12:06PM

I haven't signed up to be an agony aunt 🤷‍♂️

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Thinkingwomanshunk - 20 Feb, 2024 - 11:05AM

Not as part of the online "seduction" routine, but it does help with the mental connection having at least an idea what the other person is about.

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Marriednlonely - 20 Feb, 2024 - 10:12AM

It depends on how long things are chatted about for. I think we’re all on here with some emotional baggage and if I’m making a connection then I want it to be a proper connection. Hearing about stuff like this is real life and a real relationship. I wouldn’t want it to dominate endless conversations but I’m always happy to listen :)

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