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Advice for my first affair

I’m looking to have an affair to experiment with sex.
I love my husband and we definitely “make love” when we have sex but he’s never been the experimental type. I’m getting on in my age and want to see what else is out there and do something for me. I feel like it’s my last chance. I’ve come to illicitencounters but not sure where to go from here. Does anyone have any advice for me? What should I be looking for and what should I try first?

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Comments (83)

1653842 - 21 Mar, 2024 - 09:53AM

Enjoy yourself look at profiles try and reply to messages there are some lovely people on here and many of us are in the same situation when my wife and I did have sex there was no interest in anything apart from vanilla Good luck

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InspiredBy - 21 Mar, 2024 - 09:48AM

Hi! I think you put two topics in one. Let me explain: One is the sex experience with your husband. I'd say ask, ask and... ask. However, if you are already looking outside the marriage then you probably believe it cannot be fixed within. Personally, I was asking for more 'advanced' things than love making, being patient and just didn't work.

Going to topic #2, having an affair does not mean you will find what you're missing unless you know what you really want. At least not the first time. So, my advice is to learn more about what you want (self play? include a toy during sex with hubby? a couple of sex encounters without any expectations? I don't know) and then have an affair to cover your non vanilla sex needs.

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1458650 - 21 Mar, 2024 - 09:15AM

How about you tell him what you feel and that you are thinking of looking outside the marriage. He might harbour secret desires…

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