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Advice for my first affair

I’m looking to have an affair to experiment with sex.
I love my husband and we definitely “make love” when we have sex but he’s never been the experimental type. I’m getting on in my age and want to see what else is out there and do something for me. I feel like it’s my last chance. I’ve come to illicitencounters but not sure where to go from here. Does anyone have any advice for me? What should I be looking for and what should I try first?

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Comments (83)

1657825 - 22 Mar, 2024 - 09:16AM

Hi. I’ve been here many times. It’s definitely the site if you can wheedle out the odd balls.

It’s been very very exciting over the years x. I just rejoined

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1657818 - 21 Mar, 2024 - 09:40PM

Can you not approach and discuss your sexual needs with your hubby? If your not actually sure what does it for you it may be a communication
issue and a symptom of a more underlying problem hence you being here? Please, I'm not trying to be condescending here and I realise the irony that my own relationship was amazing I would not be posting! Just wondering if a little detail would help peeps

DILF-Lpool - 21 Mar, 2024 - 08:47PM


Paula99 - 21 Mar, 2024 - 02:45PM

The basic foundation is the fantasy outweighs the reality 😔… no matter what you read here…
If you ‘think ‘ you are ready then it’s ‘cold feet’ in most cases…dealing with the guilt next morning ..you will wake up and think I have cheated on my partner …and so REALITY bites…it’s natural to feel this way and you won’t be the first or the last but if you perceive you can enter into a relationship ( because that’s what it is …none of this no strings attached bollox) and not feel an emotion then you are NOT READY ….☠️

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giggly hamster - 21 Mar, 2024 - 01:00PM

If this is all new territory for you then my advice is don't rush anything.
What you think you want and the reality when it's there in front of you are two very different things.

Firstly you'll be going behind your husbands back. Dpn't underestimate what that MAY do to you emotionally.
Start slowly. Go on dates and just see how you feel. Only you will know if you can take it further once you've met that man that makes your insides summersault.

The only real advice is you'll know 'him' when you meet him. The dates are the opportunity to see if they're for you. Don't put you want to experiment sexually on your profile as you'll need a server all to yourself to deal with the deluge of backdoor sex opportunists. Leave that for the between you conversations.

Most of all, don't go in with expectations or preconceptions, revel in the thrill of it all. and enjoy yourself.

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marklondonengland - 21 Mar, 2024 - 12:37PM

I once met someone here who started her own blog called "Late Starter Chronicles..." She was in her later 50s and in a similar situation, married for over 30 years, always faithful, but also just wondering what it was like with someone else and so she decided to document it before she got too old.

She didn't tell me about the blog until we were much closer and regular IE friends. It turned out that she had enjoyed an oral encounter with one guy, but I was the first man she had a real lunch date followed by an entire afternoon in bed.

It was fun to read about her experiments on the blog and also a turn on to see her talking about her first afternoon with me.

One thing to say though is that she also documented many disappointments - many more than the successes. And the real successes were the men (like me) who could become friends in addition to lovers. I'm still in touch with her now, although she is now quite unwell, using oxygen, and not in a position to consider a naughty afternoon any longer.

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1628944 - 21 Mar, 2024 - 12:02PM

And I've made the first mistake of any conversation and not read your question lol...ok what to try first...well some soft restraints, and toys are fun, love a blindfold with lots of touching and whispered comments as you explore each other...take it slow, play before....as to what in terms of a man...erm well..lol x

1628944 - 21 Mar, 2024 - 11:57AM

Chemistry is such a personal thing, some people I just find sexy, but really it's only when you talk and see their body language, their humour, just their smile before you know you'd love to go to bed with them

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Will67 - 21 Mar, 2024 - 10:56AM

I am in the same boat. So thank you for sharing everyone. X.

1408586 - 21 Mar, 2024 - 10:01AM

I would say take your time finding the perfect lover for you. Meet lots until you just ‘know’ and the feeling and chemistry is obviously mutual.

Then you have that you can enjoy exploring together (and you will 😉)

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