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Staying the night

I have been seeing my IE for a few months now. He travels in to my city for work every few weeks and stays a few days. We often meet for a few hours in the evening but he has asked if I can stay overnight. I really want to but have not done this before. What excuses can I give to spend the night with my IE?

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Comments (44)

1664170 - 03 May, 2024 - 11:52PM

@boomer1514 I'm full of bright ideas , me

Boomer1514 - 03 May, 2024 - 10:59PM

James.thoughtful.pleasure seeker

If.Site.Admin take this up you may get few months free membership out of it as a reward.

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1664170 - 03 May, 2024 - 10:44PM

How good a liar are you and how convincing is your story for being away for a night. ?

Suddenly needing to be away for a night when never having done so before may raise suspicion in the other half.

What's your cover story and can you remember it without fail ?

It's good practice for being a spy though , MI6 should be recruiting through IE !

( are you reading this site admin ? ... that's a golden business idea I've just given you for free there....you're welcome )

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Boomer1514 - 03 May, 2024 - 09:33PM


Sounds a good excuse but wondering how you explain the lack of overtime payments on your take home.πŸ€”

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The Temptress - 03 May, 2024 - 12:52PM

After finally meeting my guy, whilst under normal circumstances we would not have overnights, due to the nature of his work, and my schedule we might be able to swing a night in London on occasions. It is something not out of the norm for me, however if an over night is not normal for you it can take a lot of planning and just be careful.

Durhamlad76 - 03 May, 2024 - 10:14AM

I use the excuse of doing a bit of overtime. I work nights so it’s never been a problem

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Luxury Seasons - 02 May, 2024 - 02:01PM

This is not very clever question. 1 what kind of risk do you want to take? Do you want to risk your marriage for a night when you do not have good excuse? If so do it. 2 the principle is t keeping marriage first then next. Othwise at end of it . No one wants you. 3 it is a game . You need to know the rule

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Steelblueyes77 - 29 Apr, 2024 - 11:51PM

It depends on the relationship you have at home and how you feel about it yourself. For some this can be exciting in itself but it's up to yourself. Also how confident you feel with your IE

Paula99 - 28 Apr, 2024 - 01:08PM

Some gritty advice on the forum …

Heed the words πŸ˜‘

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Peaches1 - 28 Apr, 2024 - 11:05AM

Like others have mentioned don't do things out of the ordinary unless you have good reason to. I sometimes stay over at work so I can use that as an excuse. I sometimes go away with friends and friends that my husband doesn't really know incase he bumped into them while we are supposed to be away.

I did go away a few times with my last IE. Unfortunately on the last occasion, his partner planted a tracker in his car and caught us together, police attended, arrested her for criminal damage and needless to say he ended up being single. Unfortunately this all spiralled, circumstances changed and we are no longer seeing each other. Lucky for me my husband never found out so yes dont do things out of the norm as it will raise suspicions.

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