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Needle in a Haystack

It's my first time trying anything like this and having looked at a lot of ladies profiles I'm beginning to think that I'm a niche bloke.
Not being 6feet tall, gym going or smart dressing seems to put me in the "get in the sea" category with many.
Have any other "niche" blokes had success finding ladies who take them as they are?

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Comments (124)

blodynpert - 26 Apr, 2024 - 09:37AM

As a lady who has had success on here 3 times and is still seeing someone - every one of those 3 guys had/has a beard and I would never have gone for a beard in the past! So not every woman is looking for what you're describing! When I came on here, I knew I had to keep my options open and I have been so pleasantly surprised. 😊
In other ways, men can be players, just like the women and have treated me like absolute scum. I am usually a very strong character but even some of the comments and actions of the so called "genuine" guys have reduced me to tears.
You do need to sift through all the crap and unfortunately, there is a lot of it, BUT there are many shiny stars too. Hope you find yours xx

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Boomer1514 - 26 Apr, 2024 - 09:34AM

I've been on here for just under 4 week. Im 5'6" mid 60s, and dont look like George Clooney so thought I might struggle to hook up. Definitely not the case as I've been chatting to a lovely lady for the last 3 weeks and hope to meet up soon.
When I first joined, I msg a lot of ladies who fitted my limits and although a lot didn't reply, some did including the one I' mentioned. There's a few things to know about this site the main one being that a lot of the profiles are no longer active in the site hence the lack of responses. Also we all live other lives and if we are not online it maybe because it is difficult. Contd

1664149 - 26 Apr, 2024 - 09:19AM


Salty much. Don’t hate the player. 😂

And as for ‘take them as they are’ being niche, OP, that just means you can’t be arsed. Not really a needle in a haystack finding someone like that.

GrahamFitz - 26 Apr, 2024 - 08:51AM

I've had some good conversations and a few meet ups but nothing more. Right now my handicap seems to be having a beard.
I'd say the "niche" bloke is the one who is over six foot, works out every day, runs his own company, "knows what a woman wants", and brings jewelry as a gift to every meet up, which will always be a fancy restaurant that he pays for. It's not just us men who can have unrealistic expectations.

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