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Red Flags!

We experience several glimpses at new potential IEs everyday via profiles.
What are the red flags that you've seen that usually put you off?
Maybe adjectives people use for themselves, photos or lack of it, some expressions...
Share your "best" cringe literature that kept you steering clear!

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Comments (72)

EmnEm123 - 12 Jun, 2024 - 07:28PM

Pink Eiga

Come now!

You're forgetting Robin!

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Pink Eiga - 12 Jun, 2024 - 12:26AM

Gunther73 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 08:28PM

With his sexy as fk personality, the only object he’d have meaningful interaction with would be his batmobile.

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SheDevil - 11 Jun, 2024 - 11:31PM

@life is a beach Ha sounds just like the last guy I was seeing! Except I stupidly gave him more chances than he deserved! He would give similar excuses each time he went AWOL. Yet I went through hell last year and still managed to keep in contact with him! So the final straw was when he went quiet again right after I last saw him. Claiming he was stressed with work. Yet he had previously said things like, I’m someone he would want to be with and he once said he was a little bit obsessed with me! I took the decision to block him and move on.

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1660660 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 08:31PM

But @Paula99, “what is it all about?” Is a much more profound question which requires a lot more than 1024 characters.

1660660 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 08:28PM

If Batman had a wife, she’d be on IE I bet. 🤣

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1660660 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 08:25PM

I mean, Batman never sleeps. Board meetings all day then protecting Gotham City all night. It’s not even like he’s out partying. Just working 24/7. Gymming it in between so he can pull Michelle Pfeiffer on her way to a fetish party. What a life.

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Paula99 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 07:34PM


I have asked the same question….what is it all about ?

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Littlebird361 - 11 Jun, 2024 - 05:14PM

I think its a little joke made up by the person who does the template profiles to see how many idiots will use it, as when I googled it nothing comes up.

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1660660 - 10 Jun, 2024 - 11:33PM

Wtaf is Batman at night anyway?

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EmnEm123 - 10 Jun, 2024 - 03:52PM

And I forgot the old... Assortment of roles!

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