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Red Flags!

We experience several glimpses at new potential IEs everyday via profiles.
What are the red flags that you've seen that usually put you off?
Maybe adjectives people use for themselves, photos or lack of it, some expressions...
Share your "best" cringe literature that kept you steering clear!

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Comments (72)

EmnEm123 - 10 Jun, 2024 - 03:47PM

I'm self taught.

I work in and for myself.

Let me break it to you.

I'm Batman by night.


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Life is a beach - 09 Jun, 2024 - 10:41PM

Someone who doesn't appreciate that you have to take time off by 'forgetting' they are meant to meet you! Luckily, I didn't take the time off work as he had gone days without contact. Funnily enough, he wrote a few months later saying he had trouble at home. How much trouble do you have to be in that you can't send a message?! It was too late by then, not that I would have given him another chance, plus I had already met my now lovely IE.
One more red flag is men sending you their password on their first message and showing you pictures of their knob 🤦🏻
One more red flag is men who want sex only or are into multiple partners, no thanks.

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1678165 - 09 Jun, 2024 - 09:47PM

I’ve collected a few from various meet ups, I should stitch them together to make one big flag.

blodynpert - 09 Jun, 2024 - 11:42AM

Red flags?
Men/women who are on here just to waste others' time and make others feel crap about themselves. They obviously get a kick out of it.
Those who say - yeah, really like your photos, but there is no spark. Surely the spark comes as you chat? 🤔
The ones who say they don't have a type - look at your photos - sorry, you're not my type - don't say you don't have a type when you clearly do!!

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1673487 - 09 Jun, 2024 - 11:08AM

Anyone seeking Romance ...and wants to chat for ages on here about it..invariably a waste of time .

Peaches1 - 08 Jun, 2024 - 11:25PM

Another ick for me is when mens profiles state age range preference from 21 to a couple of years above their own age, when they are in their 50's / 60's.

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ExoticOrchid - 08 Jun, 2024 - 08:05PM

P99 - 07:50PM

Not quite a red flag to me but that really puts me off!

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Paula99 - 08 Jun, 2024 - 07:50PM


When men complain about the premium membership fees but they still pay it …so what does that tell you ?

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Pink Eiga - 07 Jun, 2024 - 08:03PM

rarity23 - 07 Jun, 2024 - 02:39PM

I think this is true of both genders. If someone is into you, their attention will be focused on you. Even on IE you can tell if they are interested and worth getting to know.

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SomeGuyOrOther - 07 Jun, 2024 - 05:27PM

Another one is "I don't go onto the site very often". Gaps of a week or more between being online suggests that they don't really have any interest in affairing at all. Next!

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