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Can attraction not just be physical?

I met a wonderful lady recently. We had been chatting for some time, and finally met up. The connection is definitely there. Things have now progressed to the bedroom. Alas physically I am disappointed. Without going into too much detail, it seems that quite a bit of padding support has been used. I really prefer a ‘good handful’. Much as I really like her, my physical desires for what constitutes a woman are not met. I feel I have been lied to, but do not want to hurt her feelings. How do I let her down gently, or do I stay, as she is very keen and I do love her personality?

Thank you for posting this. I genuinely am in a dilemma!

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Comments (200)

1651038 - 31 Mar, 2024 - 02:54PM

Well..I personally am more of a leg man so send her my way ! :-)

Oldboy 74 - 31 Mar, 2024 - 01:57PM

You have a decision to make. Is it the person you really want or the sex. Not everyone will completely reveal themselves here. There is no such thing as perfection, normal, desireable to all. Everyone here is trying to sell themselves, hopefully to the person of their dreams. It’s all part of the journey in getting to know someone. We are adults and we need to have our eyes fully open to reality on this site. Always remember we are dealing with people’s deepest feelings here. So if you feel sex is the most important for you then let her go gently. How you do that can only involve you taking it all on the chin.

1659062 - 29 Mar, 2024 - 03:23PM

Of she has gone to the trouble of padding, then there could be a degree of insecurity. There was clearly an attraction, use that to develop the relationship. Dumping her, even gently, is going to fire her insecurity. Why don't you explore the reasons and it could be rewarding.

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Enigmatic Lady - 29 Mar, 2024 - 06:39AM


I have just read your post and I quite literally could not stop laughing. I was getting strange looks from the hotel staff and then they all started, without knowing what I was laughing at, laughing and giggling too.
Laughter, it seems, is the best medicine after all lol 😂😉😃😝.
Thank you for making my day, my week and my month ☺️.

Paula99 - 27 Mar, 2024 - 11:55AM

Enigma …

Pmsl 😂😂😂

Enigma.. - 27 Mar, 2024 - 11:50AM

The female equivalent of this is…. (Drum roll please).
Getting to the bedroom he takes his trousers and boxers off and…
I’m physically disappointed.
I’m not saying padding was involved but…
I really prefer a good handful.
My physical desires for what constitutes as a man have not been met.
I feel I’ve been lied to (Yes that old chestnut lol).
What do I say to him, I do like him and his personality but…
Oh! Woe is me. Whatever shall I do.
(And close stage curtains)

Jackd2024 - 27 Mar, 2024 - 07:18AM

I fell for someone at work. We ended up having an affair. I’ve never loved anyone as much . When I first saw her I didn’t think anything at all. No love at first sight or anything like that. After a while, when we’d chatted and got on so well and I’d started to fall for her, I realised how attractive she was. I always wondered how I didn’t realise it when we first met. I’d say give it a chance

boav91 - 27 Mar, 2024 - 07:06AM

So the way i see it is we all have what we consider our type, hell you can see on peoples profiles how picky some people seem to be and I have been turned down lots for not being their type, but dont mess people around and be honest. Neither of you will be satisfied if you stay in something fake and you are better off being honest. You are going to end it anyway it seems. Just do it nicely.

The other thing is personality and connection is just as important. It is not just from the physical but only you can decide on your own areas to compromise on. You can meet someone with perfect looks but not connect too

Just be fair to the other person as well as yourself and don’t be an idiot about it

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1658841 - 26 Mar, 2024 - 09:08PM

If average sex was ok why would we be on here? Don't hurt her just say your looking for variety. She will quickly go off you.

R Deckard - 24 Mar, 2024 - 08:54PM

OP: put the skinny lady in touch with the gent with a floppy willy from the thread "Advice please Gents!", and wish them both a good time!

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