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Physical attraction is important in securing a meet. How soon would you exchange passwords, and what do you find attractive in a person’s facial features?

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Comments (80)

Onekissmore - 07 Aug, 2023 - 12:17AM

I think you should share passwords ASAP.
If you don’t like the look of the person you’re talking to, there should be no hard feelings, it’s just saving time and energy.

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Paula99 - 02 Aug, 2023 - 07:49PM

Each to their own …

For me when the meet happens straight after say 4 or 5 messages …I get a gut feeling …it’s way to quick and more often than not I have gone to meet the guy and there is just nothing ..no chemistry or attraction..

Some guys apply this ‘gung ho ‘ attitude to meets …aka I’ll go on the meet ..what have I got to loose scenario’..but that indicates a little arrogance …
I do like to get to know the person a little so we both know what we are about to receive…attraction comes in many forms but if you can’t fxxk my mind …it’s a non starter..😕

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Parttimebf - 02 Aug, 2023 - 05:06PM

I like to exchange after 2 message 3 max. No.point wasting time really

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Gentle Man Jim - 02 Aug, 2023 - 04:21PM

I’ve not read all the comments as there are so many!
I think a photo can convey a lot.
Face pictures with a smile for me all day long! If I’m lucky I will touch your boobs when I see them and so a picture won’t help much!
Personality is king…. I hate to sound like a cliché but it is true! A dull girl with a hot bid is not a turn on. A smoky happy flirty woman is sexy all day long regardless of looks!!!!

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1612031 - 19 Jul, 2023 - 09:36PM


Of course, try before you buy and all that :-)

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Pink Eiga - 19 Jul, 2023 - 05:18PM

CanIBeFrank - 18 Jul, 2023 - 09:50PM

Only if the woman can cop a feel too 😜

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1610654 - 19 Jul, 2023 - 01:55PM

I think you both know when its time to exchange passwords theres no right or wrong. Personally I dont have a type and I can usually find something attractive in everyone. Having said that I wouldnt be keen on a blind date, although I did once and it actually worked out very well.

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1612031 - 18 Jul, 2023 - 09:50PM

The only sure way is a good old school meet up where I buy you a drink, grab your arse for a quick feel and then get down to some chat.

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Pink Eiga - 18 Jul, 2023 - 02:37PM

Agree. I have to see mouths moving, eyes blinking before agreeing to a meet in person.

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1610304 - 18 Jul, 2023 - 01:41PM

WhatsApp video calls are the saviour here, right?!

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