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Distance & Meets

Does travelling long distances enhance/suppress an affair?

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Comments (175)

macfash - 20 Sep, 2023 - 01:50PM

definitely enhances it

Paula99 - 13 Sep, 2023 - 07:10PM

Logic boy ….

I am sure FWB could be anything you want 😉

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logicboy - 13 Sep, 2023 - 05:23PM

Have I missed something... Is FWB actually Fun Wobbly Bits and how does it relate to an affair... Is it like "a bit on the side", love handles or more like jelly... I'm confused!

Also, had my first meet via IE and although unclear where that will go, time will tell, but it has really helped me clarify what I want / dont want and am willing / not willing to do. I terms of the original question - there was a long distance involved and I'd say it meant I could let my guard down. Saying that I was nervous to a degree but at least not worried about impacting home situation from being seen.

Not sure about distance and it's impact on an affair - still waiting to find out.

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Paula99 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 04:28PM


Fun Wobbly Bits 😂

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Funguy77 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 03:31PM

@ Beckysharp - 29 Aug, 2023 - 03:24PM


Same thing in my book . Think I’m spending too much time with the young team.

I’m sure my profile doesn’t say FWB but is has been creeping in to my vocabulary .

Dose the use of FWB put the ladies off ?

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ExoticOrchid - 29 Aug, 2023 - 03:29PM

I'd say an affair with a FWB? 😉

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1408586 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 03:24PM

It’s just interesting. A lot of men (no idea about the women) on here say on their profile they’re looking for a FWB. How does it differ from an affair?

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laugar164 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 02:57PM

Beckysharp. I think any man / woman on the othere end would struggle to say a FWB is not an affair

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1408586 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 02:46PM

And do you consider a FWB an affair funguy77?

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Funguy77 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 02:42PM

Just having a bit of banter with colleagues at work
It’s all just hypothetical

Some have same opinions othered are borderline obsessive lol

For me I’m here for fwb to enhance my life not to change it or others..

Thanks for the contribution it’s caused an argument at work pmsl

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